The Joint Research Centre European Commission Opportunities for collaborating with the JRC Dr. G.Caratti Warsaw
The Joint Research Centre European Commission More than 20% of all EU legislation has a significant S&T basis (e.g. food, chemicals, environment, energy) - Advanced analytical requirements, e.g. GMOs - Harmonization - Best practice - Validation - Training + Reference DG JRC provides in-house scientific and technical support to Community policymaking, in partnership with Policy DGs and EU Member States, Candidate Countries and Associated States The rationale
The Joint Research Centre European Commission The organisation of the JRC IE - Petten The Netherlands - Institute for Energy Staff: 180 IRMM - Geel Belgium - Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements Staff: 220 ITU - Karlsruhe Germany - Institute for Transuranium Elements Staff: 250 IPSC - IHCP - IES - Ispra Italy - Institute for the Protection and the Security of the Citizen - Institute for Health and Consumer Protection - Institute for Environment and Sustainability Staff: 350, 250, 370 IPTS - Seville Spain - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies Staff: Institutes in 5 Member States Total staff: 2200 Total budget: 300 ME/y
The Joint Research Centre European Commission Opportunities for the Candidate Countries (CCs) include: Build of projects on JRC core projects to focus on specific CCs needs Workshops and advanced training on S&T aspects of EU legislation Joint project development in response to Call for ProposalsHosting schemes for CC visiting scientists, experts and grant-holders JRC Enlargement Programme
The Joint Research Centre European Commission Harmonisation of Measurements Environment Food Safety&Quality Health Agriculture Prospective Analysis/Impact of Enlargement on the EU Nuclear Air quality and emissions control Natural & technological hazards Toxic mining waste Geographic Information Systems Radioactive Monitoring Solar Energy Reactor&Fuel Safety Safeguards, Illicit Trafficking JRC and Enlargement (1) 18 JRC projects in 7 Areas targeted at CC needs JRC budget: 20MEuro (FP5)
The Joint Research Centre European Commission Example: Emissions and Air Quality Extension to pre-accession countries of emission standards from vehicles and stationary sources (e.g. Euro 3 & 4, IPPC directive,...) and air quality measurements JRC introduced CC to EU state-of-the-art measurement technologies Various workshops, training courses, conferences organised with the CC Emissions inventory in CC Ispra’s Vela lab
The Joint Research Centre European Commission Example of collaboration: floods The JRC analysed flood mitigation scenarios to reduce flood risk and assess damage in the Oder catchment Further studies planned for the Elbe, Danube and other trans-boundary river systems Research aims at forecasts up to one week (current standard: two days) and damage mitigation strategy Collaboration with theNational water authorities Land use map of the Oder
The Joint Research Centre European Commission Example: Support to Common Agricultural Policy The MARS Bureau provides technical support to CC in the integrated use of geomatic techniques (remote sensing, GIS, GPS) for the implementation and control of the CAP. Focus is on Development of an Integrated Administration and Control System (digital mapping) vineyard registers;crop yield monitoring and forecasting Characterisation of the agricultural context (farm structure, parcel sizes, land use) Exchange of best practices and training
The Joint Research Centre European Commission Some 60 workshops/training courses and parallel campaigns conducted jointly organised with policy DGs (mainly ENV, AGRI, TREN, SANCO, ENTR) More than 1200 CC Experts trained in these workshops (many designated via the CC missions to the EU) The JRC hosted from Jan to Oct 2002, 67 temporary staff from CC (visiting scientists, DNE or grantholders) Some results of the JRC Enlargement Action 2002
The Joint Research Centre European Commission Examples of Training and Workshops Information at Nomination via CC missions to the EU To promote collaboration with CCs/ support for implementation of acquis - 60 specialized workshops and training courses organized in 2002 JRC and the Enlargement (2)
The Joint Research Centre European Commission JRC and the Enlargement (3) in FP5 41 joint shared-cost projects with the JRC institutes and a total 61 participants from the Candidate Countries (Total contract value 50 MEuro) Breakdown by area (# of projects) Breakdown by country (# of projects)
The Joint Research Centre European Commission Cooperation in FP6 (indirect actions) JRC applies to FP6 calls on “equal footing” and on “competitive basis” ‘equal to all other organisations) Information on JRC Workplan 2002 is available on (consult “publications”) Possible proposals for submission of joint proposals could be routed via either the the JRC institutes, DSS (Brussels) or NCP (or vice-versa) Offers for cooperation will be considered
The Joint Research Centre European Commission JRC and the Enlargement (4) Mobility-Offer:JRC Non-Statutory Staff Detached National Experts Visiting Scientists Grant-holders
The Joint Research Centre European Commission Detached National Experts Preference from public entities (Public Research Centres, Universities, Ministries) Contract duration: Min three months - Max three years Daily allowance + travels, etc. Exchange of letters with permanent representations Procedure usually takes about 6 months
The Joint Research Centre European Commission Visiting Scientists Very-high scientific qualifications. Basic requirements: –a) professor in sabbatical period –b) research staff from public research entities –c) senior scientist > 10y post-doc or > 16y post-graduate Duration: 1 year + 1 (exceptionally) Procedure usually takes 3-6 months
The Joint Research Centre European Commission (JRC) Grant-holders Good CV required, grant-holders should submit an application to specific open calls Project within JRC workprogramme Cost (depends on JRC site) –Category 20 (post-graduate): –Category 30 (post-doctor): Cat. 20: 3 years, Cat 30: 2 years (phd) max 20+30: 4 years Procedure usually takes 6 months
The Joint Research Centre European Commission (Marie Curie) Grantholders Training sites (e.g. ELSA) Individual fellowships (in preparation) Application to Marie Curie scheme:
The Joint Research Centre European Commission Staff* from CC at the JRC in April 2002 Total 52 * non statutory
The Joint Research Centre European Commission Temporary Job Opportunities Example of a fiche of the call for CC experts In 2002, the JRC issued a Call for 60 experts (Visiting Scientists, DNE) from the CC 200+ applications received (deadline 12/7/02) now being evaluated Stays will vary from 3 to 12 months New call planned in 2003 iInfo at
The Joint Research Centre European Commission Mobility-Offer:JRC Non-Statutory Staff Check out the offer of the JRC for non- statutory staff regularly published on
The Joint Research Centre European Commission JRC Enlargement Website To intensify and optimise communication to: research organisations individual scientists authorities including: overview of JRC enlargement projects enlargement news / enlargement flash opportunities for grant-holders, visiting scientists enlargement documents provision of other important links
The Joint Research Centre European Commission Web site: Whom to contact at the Institutes: Chairman of Enlargement WG : J.M. Cadiou IPSC IES IHCP IPTS EI IRMM ITU National Contact Points for the JRC in Poland: Jacek Kucinski JRC (coordination): Whom to contact, where?
The Joint Research Centre European Commission Outlook in FP6 Move to full integration of Candidate Countries in FP6 Work Programme Increase training on S&T aspects of EU policies Emphasis on networking and mobility particularly in the context of new FP6 instruments Further opportunities for non-statutory staff from CC and short stays for CC researchers Gradually involve other European CC neighbours (i.e. Balkan) Link to other instruments reinforcing the national S&T infrastructure (e.g.PHARE, structural funds, etc. )