Skills for students….training for librarians Drawing some conclusions from the JISC funded UK survey of information skills training for students
Journey started April 2001
Information skills training provision for students survey present practice to identify instances of ‘good practice’ to develop an Information skills resource base to make recommendations for future developments Literature review Audit Case studies Project website Toolkits Final report Dissemination activities
Issues from the literature review Literature Review Lifelong learning & Employability Partnerships & collaboration Librarians as educators
Survey results Just over 55% of institutions include IS in their Learning & Teaching strategy Rises to 80% for libraries Responsibility for training lies mainly with librarians 55% of respondents evaluate IS, most popular form is printed questionnaire Around half of the institutions include IS training as part of an assessed module
Your 5 steps to success Step 5 communicate review & Step 2 get hold of information Step 3 evaluate information Step 1 define topic & plan search Step 4 organise & use information
Ask yourself… Is it up to date? Does this help me answer my assignment question? Is it biased?
Evaluating information found on the Internet C overage O bjectivity C urrency O rganisation A uthority Think cocoa!
Provides guidance Links to follow-up On-line references
Challenges & Opportunities admissions.htm National coherent strategy Training the trainers Curriculum & assessment Professional development programmes Embedded Information skills Expertise & partnerships
A final thought “With Information literacy as their ticket, academic librarians have an opportunity to re-enter the teaching and learning arena in a new guise and carve out a challenging, unique role in the world of academia – that is to re-invent themselves in a new image” Judith Peacock ACURIL XXXII: the new, 2002 Project website :