March 15 th, Lab Meeting midline cell fate
Outline 1.Hh and its role in midline cell fate a.MG b.Neurons 2.Wg and its potential role (or lack thereof) in midline cell fate
hh activates PMG specific gene expression patterns WTUAS-hh hh[AC]
hh activate midline En in Tribolium
hh represses AMG specific gene expression patterns WTUAS-hh hh[AC]
What might be happening? 1. hh from row G, H and the lateral CNS activate en expression in rows G?, H, A, B 2.From rows G-B, the MP4-6, MNB, and PMG arise 3.En in PMG represses AMG gene expression and promotes PMG gene expression Hh en expression
What might be happening? 1.Runt represses en expression and keeps it out of rows C-E Does Hh direct gene expression in row F, or even more anterior? What about neurons? Hh en expression Runt
hh effects MP3 formation/fate Tup Elav GFP ple GFP hh[AC] WT ptc GFP
What kind of cells are made in hh mutants? The simplest explanation is that there are 4 neurons, 2 MP1 and 2 MP4/5. (Cas is also on in lots of MG, so Cas may be effected in a more complex way) Conclusion: the effect of hh extends past the En+ cells Cas Elav GFPRunt GFPEn GFP
Outline 1.Hh and its role in midline cell fate a.MG b.Neurons 2.Wg and its potential role (or lack thereof) in midline cell fate
Reasons to think that wg is involved in midline cell fate acquisition 1.Its wg, it is involved in lots of cell patterning and cell fate a.pubmed search for ‘wingless signaling’ yields 980 papers and 164 reviews b.‘wnt signaling’ yields 7,848 papers and 1,493 reviews 2.During segmentation, wg is in a regulatory loop with en and hh to producing a signaling center wg en hh ptc
Reasons to think that wg is involved in midline cell fate acquisition 3.wg function regulates anterior cell fates in the epidermis and lateral CNS wg mutants, naked cuticle (anterior epidermal cell fate) is lost wg mutants, NB4-2 (anterior cell) cell fate is lost
Reasons to think that wg is involved in midline cell fate acquisition 4. wg is expressed in the midline cells early in their development stage 8 stage 10 stage 12 stage 11 stage 9 wg En
Reasons to think that wg is involved in midline cell fate acquisition 5.Ectopic wg and wg mutants show alterations in l(1)sc expression Bossing and Brand, 2006 stage 10
Reasons to think that wg is NOT involved in midline cell fate acquisition 1.misexpression of wg in the midline has no effect on Runt/En/morphology Bossing and Brand, 2006: The earliest time we can express Wingless in all midline cells is stage 10. At this stage, ectopic Wingless no longer interferes with midline cell differentiation. Runt En GFP stage 11 stage 15
Reasons to think that wg is NOT involved in midline cell fate acquisition 2.misexpression of Wg downstream effectors in the midline has no effect on Runt/En/morphology Runt En GFP stage 11 stage 15 UAS-arm[s10]UAS-tcfΔN stage 11 stage 13
Reasons to think that wg is NOT involved in midline cell fate acquisition 3.wg mutants still show Runt+ Sim+ cells and En+ posterior cells wg[1-12] Sim Runt wt stage 13 En GFP
Reasons to think that wg is NOT involved in midline cell fate acquisition 4.Ectopic wg and wg mutants show alterations in l(1)sc expression….but we dont Bossing and Brand, 2006 stage 10 know what is being assayed. where is the midline? can wg turn off l’sc in non-midline cells, it looks like it. Is this then related to segmentation?
Reasons to think that wg is NOT involved in midline cell fate acquisition 5.In wg mutants ‘early’ en is absent, but ‘late’ en is not effected Bossing and Brand, 2006 Loss of ‘early’ En is likely due to a loss of the regulatory loop wg en hh wg the presence of en seems due to the fact that wg is not regulating midline gene expression
So, what do I think wg is probably NOT involved in midline cell cell fate/ differentiation
So, what do I think Epidermal patterning and segmentation: 1.There is an early role for wg in establishing en and hh expression in the posterior of the segment 2. wg regulates anterior cell fate by repressing the expression of genes that in the wg mutant are activated ectopically in the anterior. 3.l(1)sc is expressed in the anterior of the segment due to segmentation genes (which ones I don’t know). l(1)scwgEn/hh
So, what do I think Midline cell patterning and cell fate: 1.Misexpression of wg or downstream components does not alter midline cell fate whereas hh and ci can. So, wg regulation of l’sc is probably not occurring at the same time as hh regulation (probably earlier, during segmentation). 2.The presence of late en and absence of early en is good proof that wg plays no role in hh regulation of en (and probably l’sc). 3.This likely means that wg repression of gene expression in the anterior of the segment is not present. This might allow hh signaling to effect gene expression in anterior cells (ie MP1, MP3), which it does in MP3. 4.Something makes the midline cells different from lateral CNS and epidermis, a good candidate is single-minded. How does it do this?
How can one nail down the role of wg? 1.reporters of wg activity a.Top-Flash (not tried in flies, just s2 cells, works in mice) b. nkd-GFP 2.verify the expression of en and l’sc in wg mutants. If they are present in the expected cells than wg plays no role.
What might be happening? 3.Runt in Row C, D, E opposes Hh activity and keeps en expression off. Evidence comes from Josephs work on Runt and En cross-repression Hh en expression Runt
What might be happening? 4.MP1 arises from Rows C, D, E (Runt+ cells). 5.odd expression in Rows A and B is unrelated to MP1, odd expression is intiated de novo in MP1 Hh en expression Runt MP1
What might be happening? 6.MP3 arises from row F 7.MP4-MNB and PMG arise from rows G-B 8.AMG arise from rows C-F Hh en expression Runt MP1 MP3 MP4 MP5 MP6 MNB