Rossella Lau Lecture 11, DCO10105, Semester B, DCO10105 Object-Oriented Programming and Design Lecture 11: Template and Operator overload Template Template and operator overload More on operator overload -- By Rossella Lau
Rossella Lau Lecture 11, DCO10105, Semester B, A reason for template Consider the sample class IntArray If the objects stored on the array are not integers, but strings, rational numbers, or student records, we may need to create many classes. class IntArray{ int *array; size_t size; size_t capacity; …… }; class StringArray{ string *array; size_t size; size_t capacity; …… }; class StudentArray{ Student *array; size_t size; size_t capacity; …… }; Absolutely terrible for maintenance
Rossella Lau Lecture 11, DCO10105, Semester B, Array intArray; Templates in C++ In C++, type parameter supports a template class / function to be written as it can be of any data type Rewrite class IntArray to a template class Array Whenever instantiating an Array object, a type must be specified class IntArray{ int *array; size_t size; size_t capacity; …… }; template <class T> T Array strArray; Array stdArray; Array
Rossella Lau Lecture 11, DCO10105, Semester B, Sample program sets: IntArray.h, IntArray.cpp, testArray.cpp in lab6 Array.h and test testArray.cpp Implementation of Array.h cannot be pre-compiled since the type cannot be determined before the class is used implementation codes will be placed inside.h file to allow for complete user program compilation When declaring a template class, a type should be specified whether in a user program, e.g., Array in testArray.cpp, or is implemented outside the class definition Array :: Example: IntArray Array
Rossella Lau Lecture 11, DCO10105, Semester B, Template and operator overload For type class used in a template, the specified type must have operator overload functions used in the template class in order to use the respective functions Inside copy constructor, push_back(), resize() : assignment operator must be properly overloaded Inside fillData() : Inside printData() : Inside searchData() : Inside sum(), average(), min(), max() : As an example in testArray.cpp, the instance “ names ” does not call aggregate functions since there are not respective operator overload functions defined in
Rossella Lau Lecture 11, DCO10105, Semester B, More notes on friend function Usually, we can avoid friend function declared in a class However, if, for example, a class overloads << (output), then it should be used inside the class: void aFunction(…) { … cout << thisClassObject; … } The operator overload function must be declared before that statement can be used in order to get through the compiler However, if this statement must be declared inside the class definition, friend function of << should be declared since operator<<(ostream&, TheClass const &) cannot be simply moved up before the class declaration since the second parameter is defined after it! In this case, we must declare operator<<() as a friend function inside the class Again, this can be avoided if the implementation codes of the class can be placed after the definition of operator<<()
Rossella Lau Lecture 11, DCO10105, Semester B, More notes on virtual operator overload To allow for operator overload override, it can be declared with “virtual” However, the non-member operator overload function cannot be achieved Solution: Define a member function which calls the non-member operator function with “virtual”
Rossella Lau Lecture 11, DCO10105, Semester B, Advantages of template over inheritance A template class can serve for different types – no new class is created – maintenance is simpler Inheritance must create new classes Former Java must use inheritance, creating many classes, to achieve similar results of Array Together with operator overload, many functions can become generic – a user type further define its detailed operation in order to apply for the same process
Rossella Lau Lecture 11, DCO10105, Semester B, Summary Template makes rewriting codes and maintenance to be minimized Together with operator overload, it makes the potential to define generic algorithms in the STL
Rossella Lau Lecture 11, DCO10105, Semester B, Reference Malik: END --