Genealogy System PRESENTED BY: Yongjie Fang Xue Li Ian Stuart ADVISOR: Dr. Tuohy Software Engineering Fall 2002
Genealogy System l Web-based application for family trees and genealogical information l Allows groups to work on common projects instead of funneling work through a single person l Features an intuitive GUI for data entry and tree navigation
Genealogy System Registration and Login: l Users create personal accounts l A user may have access to several trees at once l Any user may initiate a new tree project, becoming the tree’s “administrator”
Genealogy System Creating a Tree: l The system creates a unique ID for every new tree a user creates l The creator/administrator of a new tree may determine the access rights of any other user invited to participate –Modification allowed (read/write access) –Viewing only (read-only access)
Genealogy System Growing a Tree: l Family trees “grow” by defining relationships that new members have to existing members within each tree –Parents –Children –Spouses/Partners l Unique IDs are assigned to each new member l Relationships are defined automatically
Genealogy System Displaying a Tree: l Every family member of a tree can become the focus of tree display –Ancestors –Descendants l Family trees can be multi-dimensional l The system encourages a unified effort to tree development instead of multiple trees
Genealogy System Data Representation: l Five tables are used –Users –Trees –Members –Users -> Trees –Trees -> Members l Relationships between members defined by recursive reference to member IDs
Genealogy System Users UserID Password Have_Access_To UserID TreeID Rights Last EgoID Display Type Display Depth Tree TreeID Tree Name Number of Member Member MemberID TreeID First Name Last Name Suffixe Title Sex Date of Birth Place of Birth Date of Death Place of Death Parent1 ID Parent2 ID Adopt Generation ID First Editor Last Editor Contact Marry TreeID Partner1 ID Partner2 ID Date of Marriage Date of Divorce Type
Genealogy System