Dr. Muhammed Al-Mulhem 1ICS ICS 535 Design and Implementation of Programming Languages Syllabus (101)
Dr. Muhammed Al-Mulhem 2ICS Instructor Dr. Muhammed Al-Mulhem Dr. Muhammed Al-Mulhem Office: Office: Phone: Phone: Office hours: S M 10:00 – 11:00 PM or Office hours: S M 10:00 – 11:00 PM or By appointment
Dr. Muhammed Al-Mulhem 3ICS Course Class Time: S M6:30 - 7:45 PM Class Time: S M6:30 - 7:45 PM Location: Location: Catalog Description: Catalog Description: Principles of functional, imperative, object-oriented and logic programming languages. Semantic specification including axiomatic, operational and denotational semantics. Fundamentals of type systems such as abstract data types, polymorphism, and inference. Concurrent systems. Case studies of contemporary programming languages. Prerequisite: ICS 410 or Equivalent Prerequisite: ICS 410 or Equivalent Textbook: Concepts in Programming Languages, by John C. Mitchell, Cambridge University Press (2003), ISBN: Textbook: Concepts in Programming Languages, by John C. Mitchell, Cambridge University Press (2003), ISBN:
Dr. Muhammed Al-Mulhem 4ICS Course Outline Course contents are divided into four parts Course contents are divided into four parts Part I: Functions and Foundations Part II:Procedures, Types, Memory Management, and Control Part III:Modularity, Abstraction, and Object- Oriented programming Part IV:Concurrency and logic programming
Dr. Muhammed Al-Mulhem 5ICS Approach Breadth Breadth Coverage of programming languages concepts through lectures and reading assignments Coverage of programming languages concepts through lectures and reading assignments Depth Depth Every student will choose a specific topic of their choice, collect some recent papers on the chosen topic and write a summary for each paper. Every student will choose a specific topic of their choice, collect some recent papers on the chosen topic and write a summary for each paper. Every student will submit a term paper. Every student will submit a term paper.
Dr. Muhammed Al-Mulhem 6ICS Grading Policy Reading Assignments10% Reading Assignments10% Programming Assignments45% Programming Assignments45% Term paper20% Term paper20% Final Exam (Jan. 28, 2010, 7:00pm) 25% Final Exam (Jan. 28, 2010, 7:00pm) 25%
Dr. Muhammed Al-Mulhem 7ICS Important Notes Attendance to class is required. Attendance to class is required. Missing six classes will result in a DN grade in the course. Missing six classes will result in a DN grade in the course. Grades are final one week after the graded materials are returned. Grades are final one week after the graded materials are returned. No make up for exams or any other class work. No make up for exams or any other class work.