Source: Hood Canal Citizens’ Monitoring Program Source: Hood Canal Diver Observation Program STRESS APPARENT NON- STRESS Data reflected the progression of the event by recording shifts in depth distributions and spatial abundance of fish populations. Photo: Hood Canal Event Response Team Photo: Scott Boyd
Sund Rock Many dead lingcod Dying sea cucumbers & sunflower stars Nearly all fish in shallow water (0-20 ft) 75 copper rockfish, sluggish 150+ perch Wolf eels lethargic Sund Rock Signs of stress continue Most fish above 30 ft At 150 ft, healthy-looking sea pens, crab, flatfish Octopus Hole Fish lethargic and shallow Large school of rockfish at ~30 ft, moving slow. Sund Rock Almost all life above ft. Wolf eels out in the open. Below 90 ft: some crab, flatfish Sund Rock much of what was struggling is now dead and dying 20 ft or less: copper rockfish and 3-4 vermilion rockfish, pile perch, 2 large schools of shiner perch, 11 striped perch, 100+ coonstripe shrimp, 4-5 red rock crab sea cucumbers dead or dying Progression of Event – Southern Hood Canal Stress MortalityLethargy Fish shallow Death & Decomposition Photo: Janna Nichols Mid Sep Oct 1Mid Oct Sund Rock Little life below 32 ft Sund Rock Dead and dying animals in very shallow water Distribution Changes Stress & Mortality
Photo: Janna Nichols Progression of Event – Northern Hood Canal Pulali, Pinnacle Good life and activity down to 80 fsw. Good life and activity but there are subtle indications that the low O2 is affecting the critters Photo: Janna Nichols Mid Sep Oct 1 Mid Oct Subtle changes Pulali Stressed sunflower stars, sea cucumbers, sea lemon Rosies’s Ravine Stressed anemones Flagpole Stressed wolf-eel Good Activity, Normal Distribution Some stress Stressed Invertebrates Good Activity Rosie’s Ravine Good variety, life, and activity to 110 ft Gobie Gardens, Black Point, The Pinnacle lots of fish, good activity, nothing unusual Normal Observations