Rick Van Schoik Director, NACTS Greening of the NAFTA Highway April 22, 2008
THE NORTH AMERICAN MODEL SIMS Sustainable Integrated Inter-modal Mass mobility System of systems
OBSTACLES Intermodal and international integration Cross-border cooperation on a continental plan to increase prosperity within and global competitiveness Sustainable fuels, vehicles, etc. Huge infrastructure deficit
TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE DEFICIT Canada Roads and Rail9.78 Billion/yr Canada Ports.3 Billion/yr US Roads and Rail225 Billion/yr US Ports Billion Mexico Roads and Rail5.2 Billion/yr Mexico Ports Billion Total Roads and rail Billion/yr Total Ports16.96 Billion Ten Year Total2.57 TRILLION
NORTH AMERICAN COMMERCE $1.7Million/Min $2.4Billion/day.876Trillion/Year
INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDS ASSESSMENTS Center for Strategic and International Studies Accenture El Colegio de la Frontera Norte ASU for Arizona Transportation for Tomorrow NACTS-Wilson Center Borders and Bridges Technical Committee NACTS Transportation research Council Bottleneck Study CalTrans Canadian “Gateway Connects” estimates
NACTS Consortium of seven US, Canadian and Mexican universities Four Foci: Promoting North Americanism Designing Continental Transport Better Management of Borders Environmental Sustainability
NACTS ACTS North American Transportation Competitiveness Research Council North American infrastructure and ports of entry Congestion cost assessment