* Calculating with Candy * Curriculum for teaching Addition, Subtraction, and Estimation Curriculum for teaching Addition, Subtraction, and Estimation.


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Presentation transcript:

* Calculating with Candy * Curriculum for teaching Addition, Subtraction, and Estimation Curriculum for teaching Addition, Subtraction, and Estimation Caitlin Buzzell and Dena Raffa

Curriculum Context: 1 st Grade Classroom (lessons and activities are easily adjustable for wide range of learning levels of children) 1 st Grade Classroom (lessons and activities are easily adjustable for wide range of learning levels of children) Hartford Public Elementary School Hartford Public Elementary School Time Frame: 2 hours a day for about 6 days. Time Frame: 2 hours a day for about 6 days.

Objectives: Work individually, with peers and with more mature learners. Work individually, with peers and with more mature learners. Students will be able to apply each area of math to real life situations. Students will be able to apply each area of math to real life situations. Blooms Taxonomy  Students will spend time on the understanding (describe, identify), application (interpret, solve, write), and synthesis (formulate, organize, write) stage. Blooms Taxonomy  Students will spend time on the understanding (describe, identify), application (interpret, solve, write), and synthesis (formulate, organize, write) stage.

Objectives: (from CT Framework) –Students will be able to “use models and pictures to demonstrate understanding of equivalent forms of numbers.” –“Students will add, subtract with whole numbers, estimation and develop strategies for selecting the appropriate computational and operational methods for solving problems.” –“Students will use #’s to count, compare, order and use a variety of numerical representations to present, interpret, communicate and connect various kinds of numerical information.”

Addition (Day 1&2):  Simple 1 digit addition worksheet to start of the unit  M&M Candy Activity (Individual):  Distribute packages of M&M’s and ask students to… 1. Count how many are in there cup. 2. Arrange by similar colors. 3. Count how many in each group then place in a line accordingly from least to most.

M&M activity continued (Group):  Write on paper the addition sentence that represents your partner’s # plus your # and the total they equal together.  Combine the your M&M’s with your partners and: 1.Rearrange them by their color. 2.Recount them and put into new line accordingly from least to most. End unit with a 2 digit complex addition worksheet. Addition (Day 1&2):

Subtraction (Day 3&4):  Begin with easy worksheet.  Jellybean activity.  End with a more complex worksheet.

Subtraction (Day 3&4): Jellybean activity (Groups of 4):  Hand out 25 jellybeans to each group.  Pair up within the group.  One partner will remove certain amount from pile  Partner will write down sentence in word form the equation that just took place.

Testing (Day 5):  Worksheet with 100 addition & subtraction problems  Receive a worksheet of 100 problems and compete with classmates to see how many they can accurately complete in a two minute period.  Around the World game  Students compete with one another to see who can correctly answer the problem on the flash card

Estimation (Day 6):  Give brief lesson on estimation:  Define estimation  Show examples  Take questions  Gumdrop activity:  Place children in groups of 4 or 5.  Have 10 jars at each table full of gumdrops in increments of 5 (5, 10, 15, 20, 25)  Have children analyze and estimate how many are in each jar.  Then have them arrange in a line accordingly from least to most.