Computer Architecture II 1 Computer architecture II Professor: Florin Isaila Professor Coordinator: Felix Garcia Caballiera
Computer Architecture II 2 Administrative stuff: Office hours Florin Isaila Office: 2.1.D05 Monday By appointment
Computer Architecture II 3 Administrative stuff 3 independent parts: theory, practice and presentations. Passing: grades of each >= 4,5 and their average >= 5. Final grade: Total = Theory*0,5 + Practice*0,3 + Presentations*0.2 If a student passes only one of the theory or the practice in June session, the grades will be kept for the session in September. More information: webpage: For any doubts please contact the professors during the office hours or by .
Computer Architecture II 4 Administrative stuff: exam 2 hours During the exam you can not use any additional material (books, notes). Cheating = failure of the class for both June and September exam sessions. Similar solutions to the programming assignments = cheating for all involved students.
Computer Architecture II 5 Programming assignments Compulsory. Posted in the webpage of the lecture. In groups of two students. Special care will be paid for examining if the programming assignments are not the same. The passing grade for each programming assignments is 4,5 points. The programming assignment grades will not be kept for a lecture in a future semester. For the September session the programming assignments will be the same as the ones for the June session.
Computer Architecture II 6 Programming assignments LAB: 1.0. H02 UNIX accounts –ROOM: 4.0.F09 Assignments –MPI –Threads –OpenMP
Computer Architecture II 7 Text book
Computer Architecture II 8 Additional bibliography J.L. Hennessy, D.A. Patterson. Computer Architecture, A Quantitative Approach. 4th. edition Morgan Kauffmann Pub., 2006 R. Buyya. High Performance Cluster Computing, Vol. 1 System and Architecture, Vol. 2 Programming and Applications. Upper Saddle River, 1998 P.S. Pacheco. Parallel Programming with MPI. Morgan Kaufmann Pub.,1997. R. Chandra, R. Menon,L. Dagum et al. Parallel Programming in OpenMP. Morgan Kaufmann Pub., Barry Wilkinson, Michael Allen. Parallel Programming: Techniques and Applications Using Networked Workstations and Parallel Computers. Prentice Hall See more in the website
Computer Architecture II 9 Semester overview(1) 1.Fundamentals of parallel computing 1.Motivation 2.Classification of parallel architectures 3.Benefits of parallelism 4.Real cases: 1.Top500 2.Blue Gene 3.Teragrid 2.Parallel programming 1.Principles 2.Models 3.Design of parallel programs 4.Programming for performance 5.Real cases: 1.Ocean current simulation (Gauss-Seidel method) 2.Evolution of galaxies
Computer Architecture II 10 Semester overview(2) 3.Network interconnects 4.Shared memory MP 1.Fundamentals 2.Programming 3.Memory coherency models 4.Cache consistency 5.Real cases 5.Distributed memory 1.Fundamentals 2.Programming 3.Clusters 4.Real cases