March 16, 2005 SDI Concepcion Technology for Spatial Data Infrastructures Werner Kuhn Slides by Michael Gould.


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Presentation transcript:

March 16, 2005 SDI Concepcion Technology for Spatial Data Infrastructures Werner Kuhn Slides by Michael Gould

Werner KuhnSDI Technology 2 The 3 functions of GIS Spatial data Input/editing Query + Analysis Presentation End user productivity

Werner KuhnSDI Technology 3 Novel paradigm: web mapping Spatial data Creation Query + analysis Presentation Light client (browser) User Central server DB - new economic model: centralization AND decentralization

Werner KuhnSDI Technology 4

Werner KuhnSDI Technology 5

Werner KuhnSDI Technology 6

Werner KuhnSDI Technology 7 Status quo  Many web map servers (WMS) available to public  Creation of islands of information access  Each map server in a separate browser window...often impossible to combine layers

Werner KuhnSDI Technology 8 Data Server Web Client standards, Interfaces WebMapping Testbed (WMT)  Proof-of-concept project, October 1999, connecting heterogeneous servers and clients (multi-vendor)  A test of collaboration among various companies and agencies  Retrieve data in data servers in various nations, from various clients

Werner KuhnSDI Technology 9 OGC Web Mapping Testbed (WMT) Census Data Vendor C Weather Data Vendor A Evacuation Data Vendor D Foundation Data Vendor B Flood Zones Data Vendor E Imagery Data Vendor F WMT will distribute data sets across multiple map servers using different vendor solutions Scenario: Catastrophic weather event

Werner KuhnSDI Technology 10 TerraServer - before WMT MapQuest - EPA -

Werner KuhnSDI Technology 11 Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 Interoperable Web Mapping Data Holdings Coverage areas Map Projection Formats Cost/Policies Data Holdings Coverage areas Map Projection Formats Cost/Policies Data Holdings Coverage areas Map Projection Formats Cost/Policies Catalog Service Source: Digital Earth, NASA

Werner KuhnSDI Technology 12 Viewer Client: Combined Map Topography? Water? Boundaries? Catalog Service Interoperable Web Mapping Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 Server 1: Topography Server 2: Water Server 3: Boundaries Source: Digital Earth, NASA

Werner KuhnSDI Technology 13 Metadata  Internal descriptive information that makes the geodata useful  Convergence on ISO model  Proposal of Consejo Geográfico Nacional National profile (IDE-E) of ISO elements from wider model (Dublin Core)  Software to create/edit metadata is already available, free software

Werner KuhnSDI Technology 14

Werner KuhnSDI Technology 15

Werner KuhnSDI Technology 16 WMS Coverage server WCS Feature server WFS Terrain server

Werner KuhnSDI Technology 17 Metadata describing services Metadata for an online service, and a URL ….. Find me a processing function (buffer for my highway) URL Catalog services Application servers with Metadata and OpenGIS interfaces

Werner KuhnSDI Technology 18 SDI technology: complicated

Werner KuhnSDI Technology 19 SDI technology: simplified Source: NASA, 2001

Werner KuhnSDI Technology 20 Novelty of WMT  Define interfaces: standard-based software “plugs” To connect to servers: WMS, WFS, WCS.... From diverse client software  Server continues to be optimized for “its users”, but ALSO may cooperate as a node in a heterogeneous network of servers  GIS for me  GIS for me, AND also partially accessible to others, if they are interested

Werner KuhnSDI Technology 21 Conclusions  The technology for sharing geoinformation exists, and has been demonstrated Based on international standards Available to the public Independent of commercial brand names  Now, we need to apply the technology...