EVOHAR Robustness in Evolved Hardware Jason Masner, John Cavalieri Dr. James Frenzel and Dr. James A. Foster
Acknowledgements This work is funded in part through the Center for Secure and Dependable Software Microelectronics Research and Communications Institute DOD/OST BMDO We are grateful for the help and support of these organizations
Outline Motivation Sorting Networks Tree Representation Linear Representation Intrinsic Representation Error Introduction Some BS Data Future Work
Motivation Study an apparent intrinsic property of evolved systems - ability to degrade gracefully with the presence of local failures. (Robustness for free)
Inputs Sorting Network Output
Inputs Sorting Network Output
Compare Exchange Circuit AND OR 1 0 Input 0 1 Output
CE (1,4) CE (0,4)CE (0,3) CE (1,3)CE (1,2) CE (2,4)CE (0,2) CE (3,4) TREE Structure CE (1,4)CE (0,3)CE (1,3)CE (2,4)CE (0,4) …. ARRAY Structure Individuals
Our Xilinx FPGA Cells ….. 64 Inputs
Tree Crossover 1. Two nodes are randomly chosen on each tree. 2. Nodes and subtrees are swapped.
Tree Crossover 1. Two nodes are randomly chosen on each tree. 2. Nodes and subtrees are swapped.
Tree Crossover 1. Two nodes are randomly chosen on each tree. 2. Nodes and subtrees are swapped.
Tree Mutation 1. Two nodes are randomly chosen. 2. Nodes and subtrees are swapped.
Tree Mutation 1. Two nodes are randomly chosen. 2. Nodes and subtrees are swapped.
Tree Mutation 1. Two nodes are randomly chosen. 2. Nodes and subtrees are swapped.
Representation of Individuals CROSSOVER in Arrays CE (1,4)CE (0,3)CE (1,3)CE (2,4)CE (0,4)CE (2,3)CE (1,4)CE (1,2) CE (0,3)CE (3,4)CE (0,2)CE (1,3)CE (2,3)CE (1,2)CE (0,3)CE (0,1)
Representation of Individuals CROSSOVER in Arrays CE (1,4)CE (0,3)CE (1,3)CE (2,4)CE (0,4)CE (2,3)CE (1,4)CE (1,2) CE (0,3)CE (3,4)CE (0,2)CE (1,3)CE (2,3)CE (1,2)CE (0,3)CE (0,1) CE (1,4)CE (0,3)CE (2,3)CE (1,4)CE (1,2) CE (0,3)CE (3,4) CE (0,2)CE (1,3)CE (2,3) CE (1,2)CE (0,3)CE (0,1)CE (1,3)CE (2,4)CE (0,4)
Representation of Individuals MUTATION in Arrays CE (1,4)CE (0,3)CE (1,3)CE (2,4)CE (0,4)CE (2,3)CE (1,4)CE (1,2)
Representation of Individuals MUTATION in Arrays CE (1,4)CE (0,3)CE (1,3)CE (2,4)CE (0,4)CE (2,3)CE (1,4)CE (1,2) CE (1,4)CE (0,3)CE (1,3)CE (2,4)CE (0,4)CE (2,3)CE (1,4)CE (1,2)
Errors: Pass-Through AND OR 1 0 Input 0 1 Output 1
Error: Stuck on One AND OR 1 0 Input 0 1 Output 1
Error: Stuck on Zero AND OR 1 0 Input 0 1 Output 0
Error Types and Bit Stability Rating Pass-ThroughStuck on ZeroStuck on One MSN Tree Linear * indicate tendency of a bit to survive uncorrupted through a given network with given set of faults. All errors
Future Work Testing on different networks Apply the our BS to different data or problems Hillclimber as a control factor Implement in hardware
Error Types and Bit Stability Value Pass-ThroughStuck on ZeroStuck on One MSN Tree Linear Numbers indicate tendency of a bit to survive uncorrupted through a given network with given set of faults. All errors
Evolutionary Advantages Fast Design Time Less Costly to Develop Generalize Well Evolutionary Circuits are more Robust