Automobile Sales and the General Economy ECON240A Group #1 Deepti Goyal Rory Tyler Hofstatter Hairuo Hu Joel Benjamin Lindenberg Sooyeon Angela Shin Michael John Stromberg Kathy Zha Ling Zhu
Introduction Dependent Variable ◦Amount of Auto Sales Independent Variables ◦Unemployment ◦Price of Oil ◦Average Mileage per Gallon ◦Income per Capita
Why Study Such Variables? Trend towards vehicles with better fuel efficiency Automobile sales have been decreasing, particularly for bigger vehicles notably in the past couple of years Impact of current recession on the auto sales industry
Auto Sales by Make
Trucks vs. Cars
How the Study is Conducted Exploratory Data Analysis ◦Histograms ◦Box Plots ◦Scatter Diagram ◦Time Series Trend Regression Analysis ◦Correlation Diagram ◦Bi-variate Regression using OLS method ◦Normality test using Jarque-Bera Statistics ◦Heteroskedasticity
Data Gathering Auto Sales: Ward’s Automotive Group Unemployment Rate: US Bureau of Labor Statistics Annual Crude Oil Prices: US Bureau of Labor Statistics Income per Capita: US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis 35 Years ( )
Variable Histograms
Variable Boxplots
Auto Sales vs. Time
Unemployment Rate vs. Time
Oil Price vs. Time
Income per Capita vs. Time
Average Mileage vs. Time
Correlation between Variables
Correlation – Auto Sales and Other Variables Negative Slope!
Regression Equation Auto Sales = c1*Avgmpg + c2*Income+c3*oilprice + c4 * Unemployment + constant
Regression I Highly Significant F-statistic Barely Significant at 5% level All other variables are significant at 5% level
Diagnostic of Regression I Residual vs. Fitted Values Slightly skewed to the left But still normally distributed
Heteroskedasticity? White Heteroskedasticity test: F-statistics Probability Obs*R-squared Probability
Regression II Highly Significant F-statistic All variables are significant at 5% level with income as highly significant
Diagnostic of Regression II
Correcting the autocorrelation function
Error Term Regression
Durbin Watson Correction
Conclusion Significant Factors Affecting Automobile Sales: Unemployment Rate Income per Capita Fuel Economy (Avg. Mileage per Gallon) Avg. Price of Crude Oil Forecasting ◦Automobile Sales, when unemployment rate and income per capita. Room for Future Studies: ◦For stronger R 2 (0.74 for Reg. #1 and 0.69 for Reg. #2), additional variables should be studied
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