Current ORCA Calorimetry design Rick Wilkinson Caltech.


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Presentation transcript:

Current ORCA Calorimetry design Rick Wilkinson Caltech

Data Primitives CaloHit Energy deposited by track, in GeV or photoelectrons CaloDataFrame Coded ADC time samples for a single channel. A.k.a Digis TrigPrim CaloRecHit Reconstructed energy For a single channel EcalPlusHcalTower Selective Readout

SubsystemsGEOMETRY DATA PRIMITIVE EcalBarrelBaseCaloDataFrameCaloRecHit EcalEndcapBaseCaloDataFrameCaloRecHit HcalBaseCaloDataFrameCaloRecHit EcalPlusHcalTowerBaseEcalPlusHcalTower EcalTowerBaseEcalTrigPrimEcalSelectiveReadoutTower HcalTowerBaseHcalTrigPrim PreshowerBaseCaloDataFrameCaloRecHit CastorBaseCaloDataFrameCaloRecHit

Single Cells CellID CellProperties Packed integer index From det, , z-side, depth CaloBaseCellGeometryCaloReadoutCaloAnalyser owner User proxy Digitizer Params & algos Makes RecHits NoisifierShapeCoder Should disappear in EDM

Subsystem Geometry CaloBase CellID north(const CellID &) CellID south(const CellID &) CellID east(const CellID &) CellID west(const CellID &) CellID up(const CellID &) CellID down(const CellID &) Vector > -or- Map

Data Handling (old) CaloBase CellProperties PRecDet of CaloDataFrames CaloDataFrame … CellProperties User needs to loop over all data frames, find the cell index inside the data frame, And match it to the index of the cell in the CaloBase. CaloHits, CaloDataFrames, & CaloRecHits all do this.

Data Handling (new) CaloBase Master Readout Allows simulation & reconstruction for regions, individual cells Associate the SlaveReadouts with MasterReadouts Use realistic DAQ configuration Slave ReadoutCaloDetUnit Slave Readout Master Readout

Mapping u EcalBarrel  EcalTower è Calculated by index u EcalEndcap  EcalTower è Text file è Moving to XML (Vladimir) u Ecal  EcalPlusHcalTower  Geometric, match  è Bug-prone, as Robert showed u Hcal  HcalTower (trigger) è Calculated by index u What’s the ORCA-lite way? è XML? è Hardcode?