Ecology of free-living Symbiodinium Misaki Takabayashi, PhD Lisa Adams (Master’s Candidate) Marine Science Department University of Hawai`i at Hilo Presentation.


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Presentation transcript:

Ecology of free-living Symbiodinium Misaki Takabayashi, PhD Lisa Adams (Master’s Candidate) Marine Science Department University of Hawai`i at Hilo Presentation Index Presentation Index: Research at UH-Hilo - Background - Hypotheses - Results - Extension - Collaboration - Future

Research at UH-Hilo Presentation Index Presentation Index: Research at UH-Hilo - Background - Hypotheses - Results - Extension - Collaboration - Future Photographs by John Oshima, UHH Graphics

Research at UH-Hilo Facilities and equipment improvements with EPSCoR (NSF) other funds since 2002 Presentation Index Presentation Index: Research at UH-Hilo - Background - Hypotheses - Results - Extension - Collaboration - Future

Research at UH-Hilo Master’s program: Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Sciences Presentation Index Presentation Index: Research at UH-Hilo - Background - Hypotheses - Results - Extension - Collaboration - Future Lisa Adams Sea Grant Graduate Fellow

Ecology of Free-living Symbiodinium Presentation Index Presentation Index: Research at UH-Hilo - Background - Hypotheses - Results - Extension - Collaboration - Future

85% of symbiotic invertebrates must acquire Symbiodinium from the environment

Presentation Index Presentation Index: Research at UH-Hilo - Background - Hypotheses - Results - Extension - Collaboration - Future Fish Feces Sediment Water column Released from corals Free-living “Symbiodinium”

Presentation Index Presentation Index: Research at UH-Hilo - Background - Hypotheses - Results - Extension - Collaboration - Future 1.Are free-living Symbiodinium present in water column and marine sediments? 2.What is the diversity of Symbiodinium in these populations? 3.Are these populations viable, accessible, and utilized by asymbiotic invertebrates?

Presentation Index Presentation Index: Research at UH-Hilo - Background - Hypotheses - Results - Extension - Collaboration - Future 1.Are free-living Symbiodinium present in water column and marine sediments? Yes Coffroth et al (sediment Florida Keys) Manning and Gates in review (Hawaii)

2.What is the diversity of Symbiodinium in these populations? In Progress with collaborators… Presentation Index Presentation Index: Research at UH-Hilo - Background - Hypotheses - Results - Extension - Collaboration - Future

2.What is the diversity of Symbiodinium in these populations?  MHI  Okinawa  NWHI  Australia Florida Presentation Index Presentation Index: Research at UH-Hilo - Background - Hypotheses - Results - Extension - Collaboration - Future

3.Are these populations viable, accessible, and utilized by asymbiotic invertebrates? Needed asymbiotic coral larvae All Hawaiian corals have zooxanthellate larvae Presentation Index Presentation Index: Research at UH-Hilo - Background - Hypotheses - Results - Extension - Collaboration - Future

But Okinawa has asymbiotic coral larvae! Presentation Index Presentation Index: Research at UH-Hilo - Background - Hypotheses - Results - Extension - Collaboration - Future Univ. of Ryukyus, Okinawa COE Summer Program NSF East Asia Pacific Summer Institute Graduate Fellowship for Lisa Adams

Preferential Uptake of Symbiodinium from Sediment and Water Column Presentation Index Presentation Index: Research at UH-Hilo - Background - Hypotheses - Results - Extension - Collaboration - Future Asymbiotic larvae of Acropora monticulosa SW Sed FilteredNon filtered No Sediment Control FSW SW SedimentFSW&SedSW&Sed

Larvae infected with Symbiodinium earlier and in greater proportions in sediment containing treatments than SW only Presentation Index Presentation Index: Research at UH-Hilo - Background - Hypotheses - Results - Extension - Collaboration - Future

Symbiodinium density higher in sediment containing treatments than SW only

3.Are these populations viable, accessible, and utilized by asymbiotic invertebrates? Conclusions: Symbiodinium in both SW and sediment are viable. Symbiodinium in sediment infect more A. monticulosa larvae and earlier than those in water column. Adams, Cumbo, Takabayashi in prep. Presentation Index Presentation Index: Research at UH-Hilo - Background - Hypotheses - Results - Extension - Collaboration - Future

Hawaii Tribune Herald front page April 29th, 2007 Ocean Day, Hawaii Pacific Aquaculture and Coastal Resources Center Image by Cody Chapin

Presentation Index Presentation Index: Research at UH-Hilo - Background - Hypotheses - Results - Extension - Collaboration - Future Student Training

Collaborations Drs. Ruth Gates and Xavier Pichon (Edwin Pauley Workshop, HIMB) Dr. Selina Ward (University of Queensland) University of the Ryukyus (COE Summer Prog) Presentation Index Presentation Index: Research at UH-Hilo - Background - Hypotheses - Results - Extension - Collaboration - Future

Future Genotypic diversity analyses Quantification of genotypes >2 papers published Lisa Adams’ Master’s degree Ocean Day, Hawaii 2008 Presentation Index Presentation Index: Research at UH-Hilo - Background - Hypotheses - Results - Extension - Collaboration - Future