DigiTool METS Profile DigiTool Version 3.0
DigiTool METS Profile 2 What is METS? A Digital Library Federation initiative built upon the work of MOA2 project Provide an XML document format for encoding metadata for management of digital library objects Ensures exchange of digital objects between repositories Simplify the development of software tools for search and display of those objects
DigiTool METS Profile 3 METS Structure METS Document Header Descriptive MD Admin MD File Section Structural Map Structural Links Behavior
DigiTool METS Profile 4 Header Describes the METS document itself Includes information such as creator, last modification date Exlibris - Digitool Development
DigiTool METS Profile 5 Descriptive Metadata Associated with entirety of METS object or subcomponents May be internal (XML or binary) or external (referenced by XLink) to METS document Descriptive metadata should follow the Exlibris guidelines for descriptive metadata. The metadata consists may be encoded using only the MARC, DublinCore or DublinCoreTerms extension schemas
DigiTool METS Profile 6 Descriptive Metadata Sample Ben Mets Sample DigiTool April 2005 Eng This document is copyrighted by Ex Libris Ltd.
DigiTool METS Profile 7 Administrative Metadata Four main forms Technical Metadata Intellectual Property Rights Metadata Source Metadata Digital Provenance Metadata Required to use extension schemas as defined in profile
DigiTool METS Profile 8 File Section Files are arranged into groups A file group lists all of the files which comprise a single electronic version of the digital library object. Each file must have an associated USE attribute which may be expressed at the file group level. Controlled vocabulary: thumbnail ; index; archive; reference reference image / video / audio / text
DigiTool METS Profile 9 File Section Sample:
DigiTool METS Profile 10 DigiTool METS Profile Structural Map Defines a hierarchical structure Every node in tree can be associated with descriptive/administrative metadata and individual/multiple files Each element must include a LABEL attribute value
DigiTool METS Profile 11 DigiTool METS Profile Structural Map Sample <div ORDER="1" ID="STRUCTMAP" TYPE="diary“ LABEL="Digitool 3.0 Product Sheet" xmlns...>
DigiTool METS Profile 12 Thank you!