1 Case Study Presentation: University of Zagreb Melita Kovačević Vice-Rector for Science and Technology University of Zagreb PRIUM, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, November 12 – 13, 2008
2 Doctoral education - Past 1.Non existence of doctoral studies /individual mentorship 2.Frequently not related to research projects 3.Long-lasting process 4.Non existence of monitoring mechanisms
3 New University challenges: Reform Bologna (HR, 2001.) 3 cyclesPhD studies
4 Legal background: Law on Research and Higher Education, 2003 (last revision 2007) National Council for Higher Education - recommendations University Statute, 2005 (and Faculties Statutes) Regulations and Codes related to particular doctoral study University document (regulations) on doctoral studies – in preparation
5 Sljeme workshop – recommendations - September 2006 (organized by the University of Zagrebu and The National Foundation for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development of the Republic of Croatia) 1.Doktorski studiji bitna su odrednica sveučilišta te ključna sastavnica u unapređivanju znanstveno- istraživačke djelatnosti na sveučilištima i znanstvenim institutima. 2.Doktorski studiji snažan su instrument za čvršće povezivanje EHEA i ERA. 3.Doktorski studiji kljucan su instrument za izgrađivanje kompetencija istraživača u hrvatskom istraživačkom prostoru. 4.Najslabiju točku cjelokupnog sustava doktorskih studija na nacionalnoj razini predstavlja nepostojanje sustava financiranja. 5.tražiti financiranje doktorskih studenata iz sredstava različitih istraživačkih projekata 6.Procjena kapaciteta nastave, istraživanja i mentora. 7.Suradnja 8.Uvjeti 9.Kvaliteta i osiguranje kvalitete. 10.Preoblikovanje dosadašnjih poslijediplomskih studija u doktorske studije 11.Razlikovanje specijalističkih od doktorskih studija 12.U doktorskim studijima koristiti sve hrvatske kapacitete 13.Potrebno je razvijati uvjete za ostvarivanje mobilnosti 14.Uspostava kvalitete doktorskih studija u svim znanstvenim i umjetničkim područjima 15.Sudjelovanje novaka u održavanju nastave 16.Naši najbolji studenti i dalje odlaze na strana sveučilišta, a strani ne dolaze 17.Valja mnogo više raditi na privlačnosti studija nego do sada
6 Structural issues to be taken care of: 1)research vs. teaching 2)courses 3)ECTS 4)duration 5)full-time vs. part-time 6)enrollment criteria 7)quality (publishing, completion, mentoring system)
7 Ad 1) research vs. teaching -should be a focus -different levels -formal, informal -level/quality
8 Ad 2) courses number distribution over years quality specific vs. generic competences
9 Ad 3) ECTS how to distribute them? to have them at all? what are the arguments for ECTS?
10 Ad 4 & 5) duration/full-time vs. part-time what is optimal time to obtain a doctorate should doctoral candidates be both – full-time and part-time students how to stimulate them to enroll and finish ASAP
11 Ad 7) quality (publishing, completion, mentoring system) how to stimulate early publishing how to have a good rate enrolled/completed how to develop a good monitoring system student evaluation
12 Conferences and seminars on doctoral study programmes Maastricht, October 2004 Salzburg, February 2005 London, September 2005 Vienna, June 2006 Sljeme, September 2006 (organized by the University of Zagrebu and The National Foundation for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development of the Republic of Croatia) Brussels, October 2006 Nice, December 2006 Lousanne, June 2008 Paris, June 2008 London, January 2009
13 Ten basic principles (Salzburg, February 2005) 1.The core component of doctoral training is the advancement of knowledge through original research 2.Embedding in institutional strategies and policies 3.The importance of diversity 4.Doctoral candidates as early stage researchers 5.The crucial role of supervision and assessment 6.Achieving critical mass 7.Duration 8.The promotion of innovative structures 9.Increasing mobility 10.Ensuring appropriate funding
14 EUA-CDE Launch Conference (Lausanne, 1-3 June 2008) SOME OTHER ISSUES: Demography and nature of the institution Discipline-focused workshops Range of careers, not just academic Counseling and advising students Gender issues … TOPICS AND ISSUES: Supervision requirements and conditions Institutional Cooperation Doctoral/Graduate/Research School Skills training Quality control/evaluation and review Student progress Structured programmes Doctoral candidate mobility and travel Careers and personal development
15 UNICA – PhD meeting 2008 (Paris, June 12 & 13, 2008) Goal: To bring together a number of people responsible for the development and organisation of PhD programmes at UNICA universities, with the aim of establishing and promoting good practice by sharing views and experience. This meeting starts from the premise that we can learn from one another because there is substantial common ground between the UNICA universities, and that a lot of time can be saved by not reinventing the wheel. Topics: Success rate Increasing European and international dimension. Research training. Postdoctoral opportunities. Business aspects
16 Postgraduate study application and evaluation procedure: Curriculum development. Delivery of postgraduate study programme to the University of Zagreb (2 copies of study programme + electronic version of the programme sent to Task force for the postgraduate programmes and doctoral thesis nominates the internal evaluators. Task force reviews the evaluations and, if necessary, requires the opinion on remarks given by applicant of the study programme. After positive evaluations, study programme is address to the Field Council sessions for discussion and dissenting. The Senate brings the decision on initiation of the procedure for study programme acceptance based on the Field Council opinion. University of Zagreb submit the study programme to the Ministry of science, education and sport (NVVO) for the valuation process. Agency for Science and Higher Education sends to the University the study programme keyword for the application MOZVAG. The University of Zagreb units must implement the study programme into the application MOZVAG for the valuation process. After positive valuation of the study programme of the NVVO, the NVVO gives the recommendation to the Minister to accept the study programme. Minister brings the final decision on the study programme acceptance and gives the accreditation. The Senate informs on accreditations issued by the Ministry.
18 Facts and figures Challenges and obstacles
19 Projects YearNumber of national projects Number of international projects Source:
20 Mobility of doctoral students Fields:yesno Biomedicine 4042 Biotechnical sciences 3128 Social sciences and humanities 6447 Technical sciences Natural sciences 5337 Total Source: Questionnaire, Doctoral students, University of Zagreb, January, 2008 (no=539)
21 Number of doctoral students employed at the University of Zagreb YearNumber of doctoral students employed at the University 2002/ / / / /
22 Doctoral degrees – statistics (2007) University: Doctors of sciences % University of Osijek316,7 University of Pula10,2 University of Rijeka347,3 University of Split224,7 University of Zadar132,8 University of Zagreb 36578,3 Total Source:
23 Number of Doctorates defended in the year 2000 (per one million of people) Source: OECD
24 Opened questions and dilemmas and obstacles to be overcome Legal framework –new laws on higher education; research; university –University Statute revision –University Codes of Conduct for Doctoral Studies Structural issues –Establishment of Doctoral Schools –Monitoring and supervision of doctoral candidates –Employability –Linking Education – Research – Innovation Opening University towards Society