Sensemaking Capbilities People, processes and systems to exploit information - under conditions of complexity, uncertainty, and time pressure - for awareness, understanding, planning and to make faster and better decisions against an adaptive adversary
S ystematically create a widespread and persistent Cognitive Edge for the SAF Create Sustainable Advantage –Not easily replicated –No COTS option –Leveraged on our HR advantage Use Cognitive Asymmetry as a strategy –Relative superiority in decision making From “Sensemaking: A Cognitive Edge And A Sustainable Advantage For The SAF” Why Develop Sensemaking Capabilities?
Sensemaking - Faster and Better Decisions Not just …….. Better weak pattern recognition More Hubbing More Collaboration More Decentralization More Self-synchronization More information online Better and faster common operating picture ………………. Etc. Everything is relevant! What’s the problem? All this and more!!
Better and faster decisions? The Quality of Decisions is a function of Quality of collected information Quality of knowledge base Quality of Sensemaking Time needed for Sensemaking Adversary’s actions QoD = f (I c, K,, ) Knowledge Base = f (Experience, Exposure) Information collected = f(No. & QofSensors)
Developments that : Dramatically improve the quality of Sensemaking and/or Reduce the time needed for Sensemaking Sensemaking capability development? QoD = f (I c, K,, )
Sensemaking Breakdown? Tipping Point QoD = f (I c, K,, ) Important Correlation Ic Volume of Quality Information Collected Quality of Sensemaking QoS Information Overload IKC2 becomes ineffective if we do not Sensemake well! Waddington’s Survey on Info Overload (96): Loss of job satisfaction Tension with colleagues Poor health due to stress 43% increase in snr management 63% admit personal relation- ships suffer
Doctrine Demonstrators Developing Sensemaking Capabilities Valid areas to define Problems and validate Solutions Organization Processes C2 Systems and technology Training Personnel/team Selection ……. Etc. Experiments
The Last Nanometer… Cognitive Psychology Cognitive neuroscience Behaviours Attempt to explain Mind Activities Linguistics / Communication Theory/ Social Psychology Other Users relate Cognitive Domain Social Domain Pattern Recognition Memory Perception Attention Representation of Knowledge Language Imagery Thinking and Concept Formation Consciousness How C2 Systems, Organization, Processes could amplify Sensemaking?
Command & Control Edge Cognitive Edge Outcome….. Sensemaking capability would translate into superior C2 systems Data Understanding/ Knowledge Sensemaking Capabilities C2/ Action Optioning/ Planning