HCl, agust,heima,.. REMPI/HCl/HCl,agust07-/HCLENER2-T ak.pxp agust,www,.... rempi/hcl/HCl,agust07-/HCLENER2-T ak.ppt
J´=6 J´=9
pnt J´= 4 J´= 5 J´= 6 J´= 7 J´= 8 J´= 9 H 35 Cl + 35 Cl + H+H+ J´= See: 4
v´=1 : : v´=1 v´=0 I(H+)/(I(H35Cl+)+I(H37Cl+)) v´=1 I(H+)/(I(H35Cl+)+I(H+)) v´=1, J=6 V´=1, J=8 v´=0, J=7,8,9 From HClmassF vhw-ak.xls Power / energy (mJ) Datapoints for v´=1, J´= 4-9 from next slide (no 5)
Comments / summary of observations relevant to F V, HCl interactions: Interaction is observed between F,v´=1,J´=8 V,v´=14,J´=8 According to: 1)Shift of peaks both in i) V<-<-X and ii) F<-<-X spectra 2)Observation of 35Cl+ (and 37Cl+) masses only for J´(F) =8 (see: ) 3) Much larger I(H+) / (I(H35Cl+) + I(H+)) ratio for J´(F) = 8 compared to other J´(F) (see: )