Tristan and Isolde
Aubrey Beardsley, “How King Marke Found Sir Tristram” (Malory ed., 1893)
“How La Beale Isoud Nursed Sir Tristram”
“How Morgan le Fay Gave a Shield to Sir Tristram”
“How Sir Tristram Drank of the Love Drink”
“La Beale Isoud at Joyous Gard”
Ian Brown, “Tristan’s Leap”
Arthur Dixon, “Sir Tristram Gave Her A Ring” (1921)
Sir William Russell Flint, “As she was at the fire to take her execution, young Tristram kneeled afore King Meliodas, and besought him to give him a boon” (1927)
“He gave him such a buffet upon the helm with his sword that King Arthur had no power to keep his saddle”
Mac Harshbarger, “Tristan Harping”(1927)
“Tristan Returns to King Mark”
Thomas Mackenzie, “Tristram Carried His Love Away” (ca. 1920)
Arthur Rackham, “How Tristram and Isoud drank the love drink” (1917)
Bernard Sleigh, “Tristram and Iseult” (1896)
Richard Wagner ( )
Liebestod from Tristan und Isolde (1865) oI&feature=PlayList&p=A63AC114676E0E3C&i ndex=16
Tristan and Isolde (2006) 0&feature=PlayList&p=32706BACA3D2F367&i ndex=39