Massively Multiplayer Online Environments Donald Young Joshua Kudla Jerel Tolentino Alyssa Baca Nik Ewing An evaluation on the use of virtual worlds to provide information and drive decision-making.
Introduction - What is an MMO? Social Roleplaying
Introduction - Why is this important? The creation of the Internet greatly increased communication (Web 1.0). Web 2.0 harnessed the power of user-generated content and social networking. Web 3.0? Databases Virtual Interaction - Web 3D
Introduction Continued - Training Potential - Leadership Opportunity - Online Economy - Psychological Aspects
Training - Virtual Simulations Introduction "When most people think of computer games, they think of escapist titles like World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, or Super Mario." Virtual worlds are being put to serious real-world uses and are starting to encounter some real-world problems
Training Examples Military - o America's Army o AirForce Delta Storm o Fleet Command (Navy) o Close Combat: Marines Health Care Providers - o operating room improvements o reduction of errors o prepared for emergencies Businesses - o "Second Life"
Training Advantages & Disadvantages VS. Classroom Meetings Real world problems o Surgical training o Military training Disadvantages Subject to debate o All this could prove risky... Security Risks Over confidence of taking extreme cases
Leadership - Recruiting, assessing, motivating, rewarding and retaining talented and culturally diverse team members - Identifying and capitalizing organization’s competitive advantage; analyzing changing information - Guild Leaders/ Seamless - Instant Decision Making
Leadership - Decentralized, non-hierarchical power - Transparent information - Impromptu leadership
Economies - Advertising In-game advertising o Male, o $2 billion, 2010 o Coke, Ford, etc.. o Temporary Ads o Doesn't stop action Obama Ads o 18 games o Battle ground states o Get young voters to vote
Economies- Small Business Small Business o User created content o Custom clothes or items o $1.4 Million per day in SL o Sell items, avatars and money o Some earn $250,000/ yr Illegal Businesses o Illegal Third party duplicates o WOW gold farming
Psychology Video Game Addiction o 8.5% of adolecents showed signs of a video game addiction ( ) o According to a study of 199 gamers, 41% of people between the ages of 18 and 69 played online games to escape reality. Along with that study 7% of those people were dependent on gaming. o Widows of Warcraft an online website where potential ex- girls friends and ex-wifes share thoughts about game addiction.
Psychology Companies: that use games to help promote game usage Doctors offices and using Virtual Reality to help burn patients take thier mind off the pains of rehab Pain Levels from users: o Scale of 1-10 o Without using the virtual world: 10 o Using the Virtual world game: 1
Psychology Physical Therapy for burn patients
Conclusion Enormous potential Overcome drawbacks Increased use of technology = Increased dependence