SOSC 103D Social Inequality in HK Lecture 10: Hong Kong Dream
L10: Social Mobility in Hong Kong Recapture the Main Findings: 1. Open and Mobile High mobility rate (net rate = 53.6%) 2. Change of economic and occupational structure Structural mobility rate = 23.1% An expansion of professional, managerial and administrative posts (class I and II)
L10: Social Mobility in Hong Kong Other Main Findings: Alongside the openness, there is also some rigidity Self-recruitment of the upper-middle and middle class (45.2%) Retention of the working class children (49.6%)
L10: Mobility Experience Occupational & Educational mobility Intra-generational or Inter-generational Blue Collar/ Labour/ Factory workers Professionals/ Governmental officials
L10: Mobility Experience (cont’) Housing Mobility Intra-generational or Inter-generational - Type of housing - Living quality
L10: Mobility Experience (cont’) Wet market to Supermarket Department store to Shopping mall Change of consumption experience
L10: External Reinforcement Comparing HK yan with Mainlander: Rich vs Poor Hard-working vs Lazy Lawful and cultivated vs Unlawful New-immigrants are looking for: Job/ employment Money/ material enjoyment Ah-Charn
L10: Hong Kong Dream Social belief/ popular discourse: Abundant opportunities for upward mobility One ’ s efforts and abilities are keys of success A product/ reflection of the collective mobility experience Alongside the optimistic view, there are stress and frustrations
L10: Optimistic views (on mobility)?
L10: Optimistic views (on justice)?
L10: Optimistic views (on equality)?
L10: Readings: Wong, Thomas and Tai-lok Lui (2000) “Morality, class and the Hong Kong way of life,” in S.K. Lau (ed.) Social development and political change in Hong Kong Lui, Taki-lok and Thomas Wong (1993) “Class, Inequality and Moral order: a Class Analysis of Hong Kong in Transition” in Hong Kong in transition, 1992 過渡期的香港 : 1992, p (in Chinese)