1 Specification of IT Systems Mandatory Exercise Week 4
2 Assignment (1/2) 1.Make a description of the desired behavior of the composite system in the form of a state-transition table containing, among other things, subject domain events and actions. 2.Represent the table from (1) as one or more statecharts. Make a supplemental description of the behavior in your statecharts in ordinary prose. 3.Make a state-transition table which, among other things, describe stimulus-response pair of your system. Describe the connection between this table and the state-transition table from (1).
3 Assignment (2/2) 4.Make a description of the assumptions of the behavior of the environment of your system. Make your own choice on how you wish to represent the assumptions. Discuss your choice. 5.Make a statechart, which describe a workflow, which will be supported by your system. Describe which activities in the workflow, which are to remain manual and which activities are to be done by your system. Discuss your division. 6.Based on the behavioral descriptions in (1)-(5), give a system engineering argument for your system. Add any needed descriptions, not done in (1)-(5) but is needed for to make a sensible argument.
4 Exercise 2 (1/2)
5 Exercise 2 (2/2)
6 Exercise 5