MAT170 SPR 2009 Material for 3rd Quiz
Sum and Difference Identities: ( sin ) sin (a + b) = sin(a)cos(b) + cos(a)sin(b) sin (a - b) = sin(a)cos(b) - cos(a)sin(b)
Sum and Difference Identities: ( cos ) cos (a + b) = sin(a)sin(b) - cos(a)cos(b) cos (a - b) = sin(a)sin(b) + cos(a)cos(b)
Pythagorean Identities
Reciprocal Identities
Quotient Identities
Even-Odd Identites
Functions sin & cos
Functions tan & cot
Functions sec & csc:
Which Function goes with the graph? sin crosses the Y axis at midpoint cos crosses the Y axis at high (or low) point sec and tan cross the y axis csc and cot have asymptotes at Y axis
How to find Coterminal Angles: Coterminal = Given ± k(2π) Coterminal = Given ± k(2π) + if angle is negative - if angle is positive K ≈ Given /2π up down K ≈ Given /2π (round up if angle is negative, round down if angle is positive) Remember: 2π = 360°
Hint on finding Coterminal Angles in radians: Coterminal = Θ ± k(2π) Coterminal = Θ ± k(2π) + if angle is negative - if angle is positive Convert 2π to match denominators with Θ, then k is easy to solve 2π = 4π/2 = 6π/3 = 8π/4 = 12π/6
How do you convert between radians and degrees? So by dimensional analysis: X° ( π / 180 ° ) = Θ radians And Θ radians ( 180 ° / π ) = X°
Formula for length of an arc: Θ must be in radians
Linear speed of a point on a circle: Distance/time Where S = RΘ
A useful mnemonic for certain values of sines and cosines For certain simple angles, the sines and cosines take the form for 0 ≤ n ≤ 4, which makes them easy to remember.
30º =
45º =
60º =
sin П 6.
cos П 6.
tan П 6.
When you remember what is underneath, Click the shape to make certain.
. A B C Θ
tan Θ = X = cos Θ Y = sin Θ tan Θ =
cot Θ = X = cos Θ Y = sin Θ cot Θ =
sec Θ = X = cos Θ Y = sin Θ sec Θ =
csc Θ = X = cos Θ Y = sin Θ csc Θ =
Trig Co-function Identities: * Co-Function for Sine: * Co-Function for Cosine: * Co-Functions for Tangent: * Co-Function for Cotangent: * Co-Function for Secant: * Co-Function for Cosecant: sin a = cos (π/2 – a) cos a = sin (π/2 – a) tan a = cot (π/2 – a) cot a = tan (π/2 – a) sec a = csc (π/2 – a) csc a = sec (π/2 – a)