SIOC: Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities HY-566 Theodoros Dionysiou 1616 Nicolaou Stavros 1686 Andreas Pobatzis 1851
What is Semantic Web? Web of data precise, structured information on: Objects on the web and in the real world Relations between them Resource Description Framework (RDF) triples in the form of (subject, predicate, object) graph with objects (nodes) and relations between them Easy Integration of Data Data of different nature (FOAF, SKOS, RSS, …) SIOC – model of data – for social media sites
Online communities Online community sites: Provide a valuable source of information May contain rich meta-information Many sites discussing complementary topics But are isolated from one another: They are like islands without connecting bridges
SIOC SIOC provides methods for interconnecting discussion methods such as blogs forums mailing lists Wikis Add more value Let other sites know more about the structure and contents Make more use of tagging and semantic metadata
SIOC Overview
The Main Concepts in SIOC
SIOC classes and properties
Example : a blog entry Post titled "Creating connections between discussion clouds with SIOC" created at 09:33:30 on written by a user "Cloud" on topics "Blogs" and "Semantic Web" with contents described in sioc:content. More information about its author can be found at The post has a reply and detailed SIOC information about this reply can be found at
SIOC tools and applications SIOC Exporters WordPress, b2evolution popular blogging platforms based on PHP/MySQL IRC2RDF SWAML is an exporter for mailing list content in Semantic Web format Talk Digger find, follow and enter conversations of the Web
Demo: Semantic Radar for Firefox Browser extension which inspects web pages for links to Semantic Web metadata and informs about presence of it