JRN 317 Journalism Research Methods
Monday, September 23, 2002 Keene-Link online catalog, for finding books, videos, etc. in KSC’s Mason Library or Keene Public Library Periodicals services: indexing, abstracts, and full text of articles in journals, magazines, and newspapers: EBSCOhost (12 databases) FirstSearch (over 50 databases) InterLibrary Loan (ILL) Image services: AP Multimedia Archive AltaVista Image Search Ditto.com EBSCOhost’s Image Collections
Wednesday, September 25, 2002 World News directories: AILEENA: Worldwide Media Index Metagrid: Newspapers & Magazines News and Newspapers Online NewspaperLinks.com Search Engines for News Total News Moreover Showcase News Portal Journalists’ News Sources Reporter's Desktop Reporter.org’s Beat Source Guide Mailing Lists (listservs, newsletters) Newhouse Net Lists
Q. How do I find books and videos in Keene? A. Use Keene-Link, KSC’s shared online catalog with the Keene Public Library.
Environment air pollution
Keyword search finds words in titles and contents, not in subject headings
Subject heading “borrowed” from relevant title
Q. How do I find articles in magazines, newspapers, and journals? A. Use EBSCOhost (12 databases, including Academic Search Premier and Newspaper Source) and/or Use FirstSearch (over 50 databases, including WilsonSelectPlus, Alternative Press Index, and DataTimes)
Air pollution colorado
Brainstorming for keywords Use a thesaurus Use database specific thesauri (available in some databases) Find one relevant article on your topic, and look through it for phrases and words that are repeated, in the descriptor field, etc.
At the bottom of the search page
Evaluating Sources Credibility: What are the author’s credentials? Is the author a respected authority? Is the publication a trustworthy source? Accuracy: Is the article detailed, factual, current? Bias: Is article objective, balanced ? Is article concerned with the truth? Is bias obvious or hidden ? Documentation: Are sources cited at all? Are sources cited properly? Can you find other sources to support the author’s statements?
Over 50 databases available!
liberation theology
Links to full text articles in other databases
When the “limit to full text” is removed, many more articles are listed that can be delivered through InterLibrary Loan We have this; no ILL
This note usually means KSC doesn’t have the item, so it is available for Interlibrary Loan
FirstSearch’s ILL Fill out and submit form; it’s attached to the citation and sent directly to our ILL office. Each time you decide to ILL an article during the same FirstSearch session, your personal info is attached; you won’t need to enter it twice. As with all other ILL services, if KSC has it, you can’t get it through Interlibrary Loan.
On page 7 of “Information Sources for Journalism” handout:
On page 2 of “Information Sources for Journalism” handout:
Q. How do I find images (photos, graphics) I can use in reports? A. Use the AP Multimedia Archive and/or EBSCOhost’s “Images Collections”
AP Multimedia Archive Environment air pollution
A large part of the forest burns in the Amazon forest, near the city of Manaus, in northern Brazil on Oct. 18, The worst drought in 25 years and government policy that encourages farmers to torch their land are speeding destruction of the world's largest wilderness. (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres )
In any EBSCOhost database
amazon river
Caption : The macaw is the largest and most colorful of South American parrots, characteristically displaying the exotic plumage which sadly makes it a frequent target of smugglers and poachers.
Wednesday, September 25, 2002 World News directories: AILEENA: Worldwide Media Index Metagrid: Newspapers & Magazines News and Newspapers Online NewspaperLinks.com Search Engines for News Total News Moreover Showcase News Portal Journalists’ News Sources Reporter's Desktop Reporter.org’s Beat Source Guide Mailing Lists (listservs, newsletters) Newhouse Net Lists