SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PHILANTHROPY IN SOUTHERN AFRICA: CONTEXT & TRENDS Barry Smith, Regional Director, Synergos Southern Africa GIFE Congress, Salvador, Bahia, April 2008
Socio-economic environment Continuing process of democratization and regional integration Advances in human rights entitlements and protection Strong economic growth rates Significant improvements in public service provision and infrastructure
Socio-economic environment Continuing high rates of unemployment and poverty Some of the highest rates of social inequality in the world High correlation between race, class and poverty status
Socio-economic environment High rates of migration and mobility Racism, xenophobia, and lack of social cohesion Persistent social and economic divides Continuing crises of structural poverty, homelessness, bad education, health/HIV, orphans, crime and violence
Trends in philanthropy Expanding but turbulent civic space – and active/growing civil society Deeply entrenched patterns of giving and informal ‘community help’ –Mainly through extended family, neighbourhood and religious institutions
Trends in philanthropy Growth in popular movements/protests around rights & service provision Growth in corporate social investment and corporate citizenship – driven in South Africa by ‘Black Economic Empowerment (BEE)’ Small non-corporate foundation sector
Trends in philanthropy Expanding black economic leadership and urban black middle class Gradual growth in individual and family philanthropy Increased collaboration and growth among ‘community grantmakers’
Trends in philanthropy Poor performance by state agencies supporting civil society development Legislative and tax environment still relatively unfriendly Philanthropic and development sectors are underdeveloped, affected by ‘silo mentalities’ and systems blockages
Trends in philanthropy Much talk of ‘partnerships’ but less real collaboration Regional divides between ‘aid culture’ and strong internal resource base The challenge is not a lack of resources or money
Trends in philanthropy Great opportunities for a vibrant culture of giving Unifying social narrative of ‘liberation and social justice’ (i.e. the SA Constitution) If philanthropy can connect to this vision – and learn to collaborate – the future will be bright