Xia Zhou & Xiao-ping Zheng The deconfinement phase transition in the interior of neutron stars Huazhong Normal University May 21, 2009 CSQCD Ⅱ.


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Presentation transcript:

Xia Zhou & Xiao-ping Zheng The deconfinement phase transition in the interior of neutron stars Huazhong Normal University May 21, 2009 CSQCD Ⅱ

Outline  Phase transition and energy release  The thermal evolution of neutron stars  Summary

Phase transition and energy release The total energy and baryon number densities for the mixed phase With the volume fraction, energy per baryon The derivative of e with respect to ρ

Phase transition and energy release Energy release per baryon with respect to total baryon number From S to F, the total release energy can be expressed as The energy release per baryon during phase transition

Construct the hybrid stars: Hadronic phase: relativistic mean field theory (RMF) Quark phase: MIT bag model Mixed phase: baryon number conservation and global charge neutrality Phase transition and energy release

The baryon number density dependence of releasing energy per converted baryon for different bag constants Phase transition and energy release

The baryon number density dependence of releasing energy per converted baryon for soft, moderate and stiff hadronic matter equation of state Phase transition and energy release

Latent heat: chemical balance The absorbed energy per baryon during phase transition Heating term M. Stejner et.al ApJ, 694:1019, 2009

Phase transition and energy release Heating luminosity of deconfinement heating Heating luminosity of latent heat it is less important and does not significantly change the thermal evolution ( M. Stejner et.al ApJ, 694:1019, 2009)

Hybrid stars: neutron star with quark phase or mixed phase interiors. The mixed phase of hadronic and quark matter construct with Gibbs conditions The cooling equation: Heating effect: released dissipation energy during varying pressure first-order phase transition (deconfinement heating) The thermal evolution of neutron stars

Cooling curves of rotating hybrid star with deconfinement heating The thermal evolution of neutron stars

Surface temperature due to rotochemical heating and deconfinement heating in quasi-equilibrium state as a function of stellar radius The thermal evolution of neutron stars O. Kargaltsev et.al ApJ, 602:327,2004

Summary  The deconfinement dissipation would significantly influence the thermal evolution of neutron stars  For the older pulsars with high thermal radiation, the deconfinement dissipation heating mechanism is more effect under the hybrid stars model  We need more observational data