Paul drumm daq&c-ws august/september 2005 1 Cooling Channel.


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Presentation transcript:

paul drumm daq&c-ws august/september Cooling Channel

paul drumm daq&c-ws august/september Physics Parameters Monitoring system can record many parameters, but: What are the critical parameters? Is the following sufficient? –Beam Line & Target Almost irrelevant Dipole one = momentum of pions Dipole two = momentum setting of muon beam Diffuser = energy loss = momentum into MICE –Poor measurement & p measured by TOF and Tracker Use Table of settings –record table-ID when loaded –“All ok” should be a gate condition –Magnets/Absorber Table of settings as above –RF – more dynamic information is needed High Q system – what does this mean for V &  ? Tuning mechanism – no details yet – pulse to pulse

paul drumm daq&c-ws august/september Superconducting magnets Current Setting –Process control – turn on/off/adjust –Passive monitoring – status Power supply = lethargic parameters Transducers = V&I Temperature monitoring Magnetic field measurements –3d Hall probes –CANBus – PCI/USB/VME interfaces available Feedback system or… Fault warnings –Temperatures / operational features MLS  Record Settings, Report Faults, “All ok” in gate

paul drumm daq&c-ws august/september Absorber (and Focus Coils) Absorber & Focus Coil Module –Mike Courthold’s talk on Hydrogen & Absorber Systems Process control Passive monitoring –Suit of instruments: »Temperature »Fluid Level »Thickness (tricky) Fault warnings –MLS  Record Settings, Report Faults, “All ok” in gate

paul drumm daq&c-ws august/september RF (& Coupling Coil) RF Cavity –Tuning –Cavity Power Level (Amplitude) –Cavity Phase RF Power –LL RF (~kW) –Driver RF (300kW) –Power RF (4MW) MICE has separate tasks to develop cavity and power systems but they are closely linked in a closed loop

paul drumm daq&c-ws august/september RF Cavity & Power Controls Tuning mechanism DSP  A Event Bus Ethernet Control System Fwd/Rflct power LINUX Box/ EPICS DS-Scope 

paul drumm daq&c-ws august/september RF sequence of events Trigger: event determined by (G)MS (etc) –After some programmed delay –RF powered up –Power Controlled to a set point Hardware phase & amplitude measurement Amplitude in “fast” closed loop Phase in “slow” closed loop –Cavity tuning depends on error signals

paul drumm daq&c-ws august/september RF Phase and Particle detection MHz 5 ns flat top 10V pulse 16 bits: 1bit~1in 10 4 triggerTOF 0 & 1 : = ~20ns TOF 2 : = ~50ns Proposal: Each cavity generates a Zero crossing point (e.g. -ve slope): TDC between TOF1 & next Z/C resolution ~ 5ns/360=14ps/degree Calibration: Single cavity: find E max & E min Possible 2  phase ambiguity but does it matter?