With the Support of the TEMPUS programme of the European Union Information on PRIUM: Promoting a model of Integrated University in the fYR of Macedonia March 3rd, 2008 SS. Cyril & Methodius University of Macedonia
With the Support of the TEMPUS programme of the European Union Presentation’s outline Project Context. Project Background. PRIUM Partners. PRIUM Teams. Project’s Activities and Work Packages. What has been achieved so far.
With the Support of the TEMPUS programme of the European Union PRIUM Context TEMPUS JEP (Joint European Project) on University Management Duration: to (to be confirmed by the EC) Budget: –Total costs: EUR –EC grant: EUR –TEMPUS III projects’ staff costs can’t be higher than 30% of total costs ( EUR in PRIUM). Strong Committment from participating institutions. 6 project partners
With the Support of the TEMPUS programme of the European Union PRIUM Background Institutional Evaluation Programme by European University Association. Legal environment for an integrated university model. Integrated University doesn’t mean establishment of an autocratic central body: re-define university-faculty relation. Need to align with the rest of the European Higher Education Area (Bologna Process), as mentioned on European Training Foundation and National Tempus Office reports
With the Support of the TEMPUS programme of the European Union PRIUM Partners Balance between academic and administrative partners: UNICA – European Network of Universities from the Capitals in Europe ( ) SS. Cyril & Methodius University of Skopje ( ) University S. Kliment Ohridkski of Bitola ( ) University of Vienna ( ) Vrije Universiteit Brussel ( ) Brussels Education Services (
With the Support of the TEMPUS programme of the European Union PRIUM Teams Promotion of an Integrated University model in 2 public state Universities by tackling 3 main aspects: 1.University Governance and Financing Reform 2.Strenghtening of Strategic Management Capacities 3.Strenghtening of Central University services Each aspect is dealt by a specific team lead by academic experts from the 4 universities involved.
With the Support of the TEMPUS programme of the European Union PRIUM Activities and Work-Packages (I) Work- Package 1: STATE OF THE ARTS in 2 FYRoM Universities in the 3 aspects. Tentative completion date June 2008: -Desk Research. -Site Visits to Brussels and Vienna Universities. -Report on the State of the Arts.
With the Support of the TEMPUS programme of the European Union PRIUM Activities and Work-Packages (II) Work- Package 2: Exchange of BEST PRACTICE SEMINAR at UKIM. Tentative completion date September 2008: -Participation of other UNICA universities. -Each team will propose two example of best practice, case studies and speakers who will be invited to take part in the seminar. -Reports will be produced
With the Support of the TEMPUS programme of the European Union PRIUM Activities and Work-Packages (III) Work- Package 3: DRAFTING A NEW MODEL STRUCTURE. Tentative completion date April 2009: -Three team experts will meet in Skopje after the Exchange of Best Practice Seminar. -Consultation phase: interviews with policy makers, regional authorities, student organisations, associations of professors and university staff, etc. -Report on a proposed new model structure to be written by the three teams’ experts.
With the Support of the TEMPUS programme of the European Union PRIUM Activities and Work-Packages (IV) Work- Package 4: EVALUATION of the draft New Model Structure report by decision making bodies in both FYRoM universities. Tentative completion date September 2009: -Presentation of the proposed model at Bitola University. Representatives from both universities and project partners will be present. -Setting up an evaluation team with representatives from both state universities. -Integration of comments into the report on a proposed model structure (delivered under Work-Package 3)
With the Support of the TEMPUS programme of the European Union PRIUM Activities and Work-Packages (V) Work- Package 5: INFORMATION SESSIONS at UKIM. Tentative completion date October 2009: -Target groups: all university staff in both state universities dealing with the three aspects (Governance and Finance, Strategic Management Capacities, Central University Services). -Purpose: To raise awareness and further support for the new model proposed. -The sessions (3) will last for one day and will focus on each aspect/target groups. They will adopt a training, hands-on approach format.
With the Support of the TEMPUS programme of the European Union PRIUM Activities and Work-Packages (VI) Work- Package 6: Proposal for an Integrated University Model in FYRoM. Tentative completion date November 14, 2009: -Publication which contains recommendations for the benefit of the FYRoM Higher Education System. -Model developed together with the experts from both state universities in FYRoM and after a long consultation and awareness raising campaign. -The final aim is to provide the background information and findings to develop a new Higher Education Policy in FYRoM with appropriate laws and structures
With the Support of the TEMPUS programme of the European Union PRIUM Activities and Work-Packages (VII) MANAGEMENT -Kick off meeting with all partners. -Location: Brussels -Date: On the ocassion of the site visit. -Second Steering Committee Meeting. -Location: Skopje -Date: After the Exchange of Best Practice Seminar. -Third Steering Committee Meeting. -Location: Brussels -Date: Between Work-Package 4 and Work-Package 5 -Final Steering Committee Meeting + Publicity/Dissemination Activity -Location: Brussels -Date: End of project.
With the Support of the TEMPUS programme of the European Union PRIUM: What we have achieved so far (I) Autumn 2007: Contract with European Commission (EC) received and signed. Need for a Bank Guarantee from UNICA: slow negotiation process, money blocked at UNICA’s account. Demand for an extension of contract period to the EC ( instead of ). Meeting with representatives from Brussels Education Services and Free University Brussels: information on project activities and preparation of site visit to Brussels. Contacts with representatives from the University of Vienna: preparation of site visit to Vienna.
With the Support of the TEMPUS programme of the European Union PRIUM: What we have achieved so far (II) First report to the EC on February 8, 2008 Preparation of contracts to be signed between UNICA and the different project partners. Registration to the Tempus Seminar organized by the EC for Tempus projects’ consortia in Brussels on March 10-11, Desk Research: Some preparatory documents for the site visits and State of the Arts report have been collected. Information on UNICA and partners websites. Contacts to create the PRIUM website have taken place. Organisation of the Information / Kick off meeting in Skopje.
With the Support of the TEMPUS programme of the European Union Thanks for your attention! Looking forward to working together