Thermo-Cooler Controller Kiefer, Mary, Molly, Sam
Update We attempted the spectrum analysis ▫We learned that we weren’t getting a system response at frequencies over ~1Hz Verified that our system is extremely low pass Convinced us that our current model is accurate and doesn’t need revision We were worried before that we weren’t accounting for high frequency poles of our system
Update (cont.) We restructured our approach b/c with the old one, we had the potential of running into huge problems at the end We now build-up to the final deliverable (get something working now and improve it) ▫We went up to the vacuum today ready to test our lag compensator Realized we were missing two things: Something to measure the difference between our current temperature and our set point temperature The “driver” that takes this difference to control the signal Solution: a difference amplifier circuit
Current Assignments We’re meeting with Avi at 6:30pm tonight to verify our system design ▫Confirm the difference amplifier driver ▫Confirm our understanding/approach ▫After this meeting, we should be able to build our driver circuit and interface it to the compensator We are optimizing Lead-Lag compensation ▫Compare these simulation results to the Lag results to decide if it’s worth implementing Researching how to build the Lead-Lag compensation in hardware so we’re ready when we make a decision