New Employee Orientation (Insert name) County Health Department
Welcome!! (insert name) County Health Department was established in (mm/dd/yyyy). (insert #) employees (insert #) clients (Insert Mission, Vision, or values statement) Our mission is to achieve a health community by protecting and promoting public health through education, training, provision of health services, and advocacy.
Public Health In North Carolina Public health is about health promotion, intervention, and disease prevention. North Carolina Public Health Statutes are the principle sources of public health law (G.S. Chapter 130A.)
Core Functions of Public Health Assessment Policy Development Assurance *Taken from the CDC
10 Essential Public Health Services Monitor health status Diagnose and investigate health problems Inform, educate, and empower Mobilize community partnerships Develop policies and plans Enforce laws and regulations Link people to health services Assure a competent public health workforce Evaluate public health efforts and services Research solutions to health problems *Taken from the CDC
Roles of Health Department Employees
Board of Health The Board of Health (BOH) is a governmental body comprised of elected and appointed community members. 11 members Major responsibilities include: –Assessing health needs –Establishing policy and program direction –Assuring that the local health services are responsive to the health needs of the community
Health Director Administrator of the local health department Major responsibilities: –Enforcing public health law and ordinances –Administering funds –Supporting staff –Executing board of health policies and plans
Physician and Mid-level Providers Our Physician (fill in the role your physician plays at the health department/district). A Physician’s Assistant is a licensed health professional who practices under the supervision of a physician to provide basic medical services. A Nurse Practitioner is a registered nurse who has at least a master’s degree and advanced training for providing health care, including many tasks customarily performed by a physician.
Major Responsibilities Counseling and educating patients Diagnosing and treating acute illness, infections, and injuries Diagnosing, treating, and monitoring chronic diseases Obtaining medical histories and conducting physical examinations Ordering, performing, and interpreting diagnostic tests Prescribing medications Providing prenatal care and family planning services Providing well-child care Providing health maintenance care for adults
Public Health Nurse Registered nurse with special training in community health. Educates clients about disease prevention, nutrition, sexually transmitted diseases, family planning, and child care. Works with community leaders, teachers, parents, and physicians to improve communities’ understanding of important health issues and services.
Major Responsibilities Provide preventative health services to reduce the rate of disease Provide health education, care management, and primary care Evaluate health trends and risk factors Respond to public health emergencies Collaborate with advisory boards and coalitions to promote health Work with communities or specific population groups to develop public policy, promote health, and disease intervention strategies Participate in monitoring health departments to assure the provision of quality care Link people to public health services and programs
Laboratory Staff Provide supportive services to the clinic and environmental health in order to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, conditions, and environmental hazards. Other major responsibilities: –Monitor patient response to treatment –Screen for asymptomatic disease and conditions
Public Health Educator Main objective is to prevent disease and promote healthy lifestyles through knowledge and changes in behaviors. Major responsibilities: –Assess individual and community needs –Plan and implement educational programs –Evaluate the success of the programs
Works to identify children, adults, families who are in need and helps them make behavioral or situational life changes. Focuses on prevention and early intervention. Coordinates services and provide resources. Public Health Social Worker
Environmental Health Specialist Focuses on preserving and improving environmental factors affecting the health and safety of our community. Major responsibilities: –Food and lodging inspections –On-site waste water inspections –Swimming pool sanitation inspections –Lead investigation –Radon testing –Animal disease control
Public Health Nutritionist Educates individuals about the role of nutrition in disease prevention and health promotion. Major responsibilities: –Create partnerships –Facilitate policy changes –Assure nutritional expertise –Identify areas for nutrition intervention
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Federal program that provides nutritious foods, education, and referrals to health and other social services to participants at no charge. Target population is low income pregnant women and children who are nutritionally at risk.
Public Health Dentist Helps prevent and control dental disease and promotes dental and oral health through organized community efforts. Major responsibilities: –Assess the oral and dental health needs of the community –Develop and implement policies aimed at improving the community’s oral and dental health needs –Provide programs and services that address oral and dental health issues and needs
Administrative Staff Support Staff –Medical and front-desk receptionists –Medical records –Billing coordinators –Technology Translators Health Check/Health Choice Coordinators
Vital Records North Carolina Vital Records Unit registers all births, deaths, fetal deaths, marriages, and divorces which occur in North Carolina. Health Departments verify birth and death certificates. Health director must sign off on the documents before sending them to the Register of Deeds for certification.
A home health nurse provides services to patients at home who are recovering from illnesses, accidents, surgeries, or childbirth. A hospice nurse provides care to terminally ill patients outside of hospitals. Home Health/Hospice Nurse