Introducing: Dr. C. Alexander Peloquin
Learn all about him… Born in Northbridge, Mass Born in Northbridge, Mass Began musical training at age 8 Began musical training at age 8 At age 11 had a spot in his own radio show At age 11 had a spot in his own radio show He studied at the New England Conservatory and the Berkshire Music Center He studied at the New England Conservatory and the Berkshire Music Center In 1964 he unveiled the first high Mass in English in the United States at a Conference in St. Louis In 1964 he unveiled the first high Mass in English in the United States at a Conference in St. Louis -He introduced English into the Mass instead of Latin under the influence of the Second Vatican Council -He introduced English into the Mass instead of Latin under the influence of the Second Vatican Council
In 1979, he conducted before Pope John Paul II and 1.5 million people In 1979, he conducted before Pope John Paul II and 1.5 million people During WWII, he served in Europe as a bandmaster During WWII, he served in Europe as a bandmaster From was the resident composer at Boston College From was the resident composer at Boston College He was also the music director at the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul in Rode Island He was also the music director at the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul in Rode Island
Gloria of the Bells
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