Textanalysis and History Session Seven Travel Writing.


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Presentation transcript:

Textanalysis and History Session Seven Travel Writing

Agenda Fiction and non-fiction Travel writing – key terms Group work on Stevenson Discussion

Fiction, non-fiction, and the literary mind Fictional and non-fictional contracts: Virginia Woolf, Orlando: A Biography and ”William J. Clinton” The literary mind

Travel and Travel Writing Why travel? Why write or make tv programmes about travel? Why read about travel? Why watch travel programmes

Caspar David Friedrich ( ), Wanderer above the Sea of Fog (1818)

Anon. The Lonely Wanderer (Photo)

J.M.W. Turner, Tintern Abbey (1794)

Dr. Syntax

Romantic and Victorian travel Tourists, travellers, and art –Ruins –Landscapes The beautiful: Culture, art: pleasure The picturesque: mediation between the beautiful and the sublime The sublime: Nature: awe, horror, fear

Travel writing: the key aspects according to Fussel Fiction –Comic novel –Romance Quest Pastoral Picaresque –Allegory Non-fiction: –Essay –Memoir –Autobiography

Elements of non-fiction in travel writing Essay: moral purpose Memoir: encounters with great men / important events Autobiography

Elements of fiction in travel writing Comic novel –Comic anomalies: normal vs weird

Elements of fiction in travel writing Romance –Quest: tripartite structure (home-away-home)

Elements of fiction in travel writing Romance –Pastoral: Contrasts between an observer and the observed: Rich – complex – sophisticated - city – morally inferior Poor – simple - country – morally superior –Pastoral elegy Lament of loss, change, or death

Elements of fiction in travel writing Romance –Quest: tripartite structure (home-away-home) –Pastoral (elegy): Contrasts between an observer and the observed: Rich – complex – sophisticated - city – morally inferior Poor – simple - country – morally superior –Picaresque: Real vs ideal. Deflation

Elements of fiction in travel writing Allegory –Travelling = reading and writing –Traveller = reader or writer –Unknown = the text

Travel writing and allegory Allegory: primary and secondary orders of signification Travelling = living and dying (life is a journey) Travelling = reading and writing (what is suggested about the activities of reading and writing?)

Travel writing as ”displaced” romance ”All this is to suggest that the modern travel book is what Northrop Frye would call a myth that has been ’displaced’ – that is, lowered brought down to earth, rendered credible ’scientifically’ […]” (Fussell 1980: 208)

Intertextuality Stevenson’s dedication Intertextuality and allegory John Bunyan, The Pilgrims Progress (1678)

R. L. Stevenson, Travels with a Donkey in the Cevenne Thematic hypotheses

Group work: R. L. Stevenson, Travels with a Donkey in the Cevenne Outline the uses of fictional elements: –Comic novel (Does Stevenson use comic anomalies? How and Why?) –Romance (how and why are the romance elements used?) Quest Pastoral Picaresque –Allegory (Of reading? Of writing? Of life?) Outline the uses of non- fictional elements –Essay (is Stevenson making a moral point?) –Memoir: Do we learn something about famous people and places? –Autobiography: Do we learn something about Stevenson’s life