$16.8 million student funded renovation and expansion of Morgan Library Nov Morgan Library The Place. The People. The Promise.
Morgan Library Renovation and Expansion Current Building Issues: Noise, particularly near the front entrance Crowded seating Private space for small groups is limited Designated quiet areas and seating designated for group interaction are adjacent or poorly defined Older areas of the Library are dingy and poorly lit 24 hour Library space needed Great variety of seating needed Need for quiet, comfortable study niches
Café Oct Jan. 2011
Government Documents and other collections will be moved from the 3 rd and 4 th floor. The 4 th floor will be removed and a large student area that includes group study rooms will be constructed.
Redesigned Entrance and 1 st Floor An addition to the front of the building will add seating and provide a 24 hour study space. New entrance will remove current bottleneck and improve heating and cooling in the main building. Single service desk at entrance will provide circulation, reserve, research assistance, and technical assistance 75 seat meeting and presentation room Additional classrooms More user space in the Information Commons
Current Discussions North Addition – Moving from concept to schematic drawings Design for 3 rd floor Collaboratory Design of 1 st floor Information Commons Collection location and arrangement Construction calendar and project phases