11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 1 Negation: Declarative Interpretation An overview First Order Formulas and Logical Truth Completion of Programs SLDNF-resolution: Soundness and restricted completeness Extended Consequence Operator Standard Models [Lloy87] J.W. Lloyd, Foundations of Logic Programming, Second Extended Edition, Springer, [ApBo94] Krzysztof Apt and Roland Bol, Logic Programming and Negation: A Survey, Journal of Logic Programming, 19/20: 9-71, 1994.
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 2 First-Order Formulas Given ranked alphabets F and for functiona and predicate symbols, respectively, and a set V of variables, the set of (first-order) formulas (over , F and V ) is inductively defined as follows: If atom A TB ,F,V, then A is a formula If G 1 and G 2 are formulas, then G 1, G 1 G 2 (written G 1, G 2 ), G 1 G 2, G 1 G 2 and G 1 G 2 are formulas If G is a formula and x V, then x G and x G are formulas
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 3 Extended Notion of Logical Truth (1) Given a formula G, and interpretation I with domain D, and a state : V → D: G is true in I under , written I |= G : I |= p(t 1,..., t n ) : (t 1 ),..., (t 1 ) p I I |= G : I | G I |= G 1 G 2 : I |= G 1 and I |= G 2 I |= G 1 G 2 : I |= G 1 or I |= G 2 I |= G 1 G 2 : if I |= G 2 then I |= G 1 I |= G 1 G 2 : I |= G 2 iff I |= G 1 I |= xG : for every d D: I |= ’ G I |= xG : for some d D: I |= ’ G where ’ : V → D with ’(x) = d and ’(y) = (y) for every y V – {x}
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 4 Extended Notion of Logical Truth (2) Given a formula G, sets of Formulas S and T, and interpretation I, and where x 1,..., x k are the variables occurring in G x 1,..., x k G is the universal closure of G (abbreviated to G) I |= G : I |= G for every state G is true in I (or I is a model of G), written I |= G : I |= G I is a model of S, written I |= S : I |=G for every G S T is a semantic (or logical) consequence of S written S |= T : every model of S is a model of T ( I: I |= S implies I |= T)
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 5 No Negative Consequences of (Extended) Programs (1) Consider program P mem : member(x,[x|y]) member(x,[y|z]) member(x, z) Then, e.g P mem |= member(a, [a,b]) and P mem | member(a, [ ]). But also, P mem | member(a, [ ]) since HB {member},{|, [], a} |= P mem and HB {member},{|, [], a} | member(a, [ ]). Nevertheless, the SLDNF tree of P mem { member(a, [ ])} is successful member(a,[]) member(a,[]) failure □ success
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 6 No Negative Consequences of (Extended) Programs (2) Problem: For every extended program P, the corresponding Herbrand Base is a model. Hence, there is no negative ground literal A as a logical consequence of P. But SLDNF tree of P mem { A }, may be successful ! (?) Hence, is SLDNF-resolution sound? What does soundness means? Solution: Strengthen P by completion (“replace implication by “equivalences”) to comp(P) and compare SLDNF-resolution and comp(P), instead of P!
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 7 Completed Definitions (Example 1) Whereas P |= precipitation, cold, snow % the least Herbrand Model comp(P) |= precipitation, cold, snow, holidays, sun, happy P:happy snow, holidays happy sun snow cold, precipitation cold precipitation comp(P):happy ( snow, holidays ) sun snow cold, precipitation cold true precipitation true holidays false sun false
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 8 Completed Definitions (Example 2) Then, e.g. comp(p) |= member(a,[a,b]), member(a,[ ]), member(a,[b,c]) P:member(x,[x|y]) member(x,[y|z]) member(x,z) disjoint([],x) disjoint([x|y],z) member(x,z), disjoint(y,z) comp(P): x1 x2 member(x1,x2) x,y (x1 = x, x2 = [x|y]) x,y,z (x1 = x, x2 = [y|z]), member(x,z) x1 x2 disjoint(x1,x2) x (x1 = [], x = x) x,y,z (x1 = [x|y], x2 = z, member(x,z), disjoint(y,z)) ( plus the standard axioms for equality and inequality)
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 9 Completion (1) The completion of extended program P (denoted by comp(P)), is the set of formulas constructed from P by the following 6 steps: 1. Associate with every n-ary predicate symbol p a sequence of pairwise distinct variables x 1,..., x n which do not occur in P. 2. Transform each clause c = p(t 1,..., t n ) B into p(x 1,..., x n ) x 1, = t 1,..., x n, = t n, B 3. Transform each resulting formula p(x 1,..., x n ) G into p(x 1,..., x n ) z G where z is a sequence of the elements of Vars(c).
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 10 Completion (2) 4. For every n-ary predicate symbol p, let p(x 1,..., x n ) z 1 G 1,..., p(x 1,..., x n ) z m G m be all implications obtained in step 3 (m 0). 4.a) If m >0, then replace these by the formula x 1,..., x n p(x 1,..., x n ) z 1 G 1 ... z m G m (if some G i is empty, replace it by true.) 4.b)If m = 0, i.e predicate p had no defining clause, then add the formula x 1,..., x n p(x 1,..., x n ) false.
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 11 Completion (3) 5. Add the standard axioms of equality 5.1 [ x = x] % reflexivity 5.2 [ x = y → y = x ] % simetry 5.3 [ x = y, y = z → x = z ] % transitivity 5.4 [ x i = y → f(x 1,..., x i,..., x n ) = f(x 1,..., y,..., x n ) ] % substitutivity 5.5 [ x i = y → p(x 1,..., x i,..., x n ) p(x 1,..., y,..., x n ) ] % substitutivity 6. Add the standard axioms of inequality 6.1 [ x 1 y 1 ... x m y m → f(x 1,..., x i,..., x n ) f(y 1,..., y i,..., y n ) ] 6.2 [ f(x 1,..., x i,..., x n ) g(y 1,..., y i,..., y n ) ](when f g ) 6.3 [ x t ](when x is a proper subterm of t) –Notice that axioms 6.1 to 6.3 are a restriction of FO equality to the UNA (Unique Names Assumptiom) – “different names denote different entities”
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 12 Soundness of SLDNF-Resolution Given extended program P, extended query Q and substitution : | var (Q) is a correct answer substitution of Q : comp(P) |= Q Q is a correct instance of Q : comp(P) |= Q Theorem (Lloyd, 1987) If there exists a successful SLDNF-derivation of P {Q} with CAS then comp(P) |= Q Corollary (Lloyd, 1987) If there exists a successful SLDNF-derivation of P {Q}, then comp(P) |= Q
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 13 Incompleteness of SLDNF (Inconsistency) Thus, comp(P) { p p } “=“ { false } Hence, comp(p) |= p and comp(p) |= p In this case comp(P) is inconsistent, as it has no model, since for every I, I | comp(P) In this case of inconsistency, SLDNF-resolution is incomplete, since there is neither a successful SLDNF-derivation for P {p}, nor for P { p}, P: p p
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 14 Incompleteness of SLDNF (Non Strictness) Thus, comp(P) { p q q, q q } “=“ { p true } Hence, comp(p) |= p. In this case, of non-strictness (see later), SLDNF-resolution is incomplete, since there is no successful SLDNF-derivation for P {p}. Notice that in the absence of one of the first two clauses, there would be no incompleteness, since p true would not be in comp(P). P: p q p q q q
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 15 Incompleteness of SLDNF (Floundering) Thus, comp(P) { x 1 p(x 1 ) x (x 1 = x, q(x)), x 1 q(x 1 ) false } “=“ { x 1 p(x 1 ) true, x 1 q(x 1 ) false } Hence, comp(p) |= x 1 p(x 1 ). In this case, of floundering, SLDNF-resolution is incomplete, since there is no successful SLDNF-derivation for P {p(x 1 )} Note: SLDNF blocks query q(x), contrary to what Prolog does! P: p(x) q(x)
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 16 Incompleteness of SLDNF (Unfairness) Thus, comp(P) { r p, q, p p, q false } “=“ {r false, q false } Hence, comp(P) |= r. In this case, SLDNF-resolution might be incomplete, since there is no successful SLDNF-derivation for P { r} when the leftmost selection rule (as in Prolog) is adopted (unfairness of the selection rule). P: r p, q p p
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 17 Dependency Graphs A dependency graph D p of an extended program P : directed graph with labelled edges, where The nodes are the predicate symbols of P The edges are either positive (labelled +) or negative (labelled -); p → + q edge in Dp : P contains a clause p(s 1,..., s m ) L, q( t1,.., tn), R p → - q edge in Dp : P contains a clause p(s 1,..., s m ) L, q( t1,.., tn), R
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 18 Strict, Hierarchical and Stratified Programs Given an extended program P, with dependency graph D p, with predicate symbols p, q, and an extended query Q: p depends evenly / oddly on q : There is a path in D p from p to q with an even (including 0) / odd number of negative edges. P is strict wrt. Q : No predicate symbol occurring in Q depends both evenly and oddly on a predicate symbol in the head of a clause in P. P is hierarchical : No cycle exists in D p P is stratified : No cycle with a negative edge exists in D p
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 19 Strict, Hierarchical and Stratified Examples (1) P 1 : p p p depends on itself (oddly) P 1 is strict (no even and odd dependency of p on any predicate) P 1 is not hierarchical (there is a cycle in P 1 ) P 1 is not stratified (there is a cycle with a negative edge in P 1 ) p depends evenly (0) and oddly (1) on q, which depends on itself (evenly) P 2 is not strict (there is an even and an odd dependency of p on q P 2 is not hierarchical (there is a cycle in P 2,, as q depends on itself) P 2 is stratified (there is no cycle with a negative edge in P 2 ) P 2 : p q p q q q p + - q + p -
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 20 Strict, Hierarchical and Stratified Examples (1) p depends oddly on q P 3 is strict (no even and odd dependency of predicate p/1 on any predicate) P 1 is hierarchical (there is no cycle in P 3 ) P 1 is stratified (there is no cycle with a negative edge in P 3 ) r depends evenly on q and p, that depends evenly on itself P 4 is strict (no predicate depends evenly and oddly on another predicate) P 2 is not hierarchical (there is a cycle in P 4, the self dependency of p) P 2 is stratified (there is no cycle with a negative edge in P 1 ) p/1 - P 3 : p(x) q(x) q/1 P 4 : r p, q p p r + + p + q
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 21 Restricted Completeness of SLDNF-resolution (1) Theorem (Lloyd, 1987) Let P be a hierarchical and allowed program and Q an allowed query. If comp(P) |= Q for some such that Q is ground, then there is a successful SLDNF-derivation of P {Q} with CAS Note:Theorem does not hold if an arbitrary selection rule is fixed. The selection rule must be safe (does not select negative literals that are not ground).
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 22 Restricted Completeness of SLDNF-resolution (2) Theorem (Lloyd, 1987) Let P be a stratified and allowed program and Q an allowed query, such that P is strict wrt. Q If comp(P) |= Q for some such that Q is ground, then there is a successful SLDNF-derivation of P {Q}. With CAS Note: Theorem does not hold if an arbitrary selection rule is fixed. The selection rule must be safe and fair.
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 23 Fair Selection Rule An extended selection rule R is fair : for every SLDNF-tree F via R and for every branch in F : Either is failed; or For every literal L occurring in a query of , (some further instantiated version of ) L is selected within a finite number of derivation steps Examples: Selection rule “select leftmost literal” is unfair (depth-first search) Selection rule “select leftmost literal to the right of the literals introduced in the previous derivation step, if it exists, otherwise select leftmost literal” is fair (breadth-first search)
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 24 Extended Consequence Operator Let P be an extended program and I a Herbrand interpretation. Then T P (I) : { H | H B ground(P), I |= B} When P is a definite program, then T P is monotonic T P Is continuous T P has the least fixpoint M (P) M (P) = T P In case of extended programs all these properties are lost, since T P is not monotonic.
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 25 Extended Consequence Operator is Not Continuous Let I = {q } Then T P (I) = { }, Hence, it is not the case that I T P (I). Therefore, T P is not monotonic (nor continuous) for P a (due to negation). P a : p q P b : p p Let I 1 = { } and I 2 = {p } Then T P (I 1 ) = I 1 = { }, and T P (I 2 ) = I 2 = {p}, Therefore, T P is monotonic (and continuous) for P b. (and all with no negation)
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 26 Extended T P -Characterization (1) Lemma 4.3 ([ApBo94]): Let P be an extended program and I a Herbrand interpretation. Then I |= P iff T P (I) I Proof. I |= P iff for every H B ground(P) : I |= B implies I |= H iff for every H B ground(P) : I |= B implies H I iff for every ground atom H : H T P (I) implies H I iff T P (I) I
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 27 Extended T P -Characterization (2) Definition Let F and be ranked alphabets of function and predicate symbols, respectively, let = be a binary predicate symbol (for “equality”), and let I be a Herbrand interpretation for F and . Then I = : I { t = t | t HU F is called a standardized Herbrand interpretation for F and {=} Lemma 4.4 ([ApBo94]): Let P be an extended program and I a Herbrand interpretation. Then I |= comp(P) iff T P (I) I
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 28 Extended T P -Characterization (3) Proof sketch of Lemma 4.4: I = |= comp(P) iff for every ground atom H: I |= H (H B ground(P) ) B ) (since I = is a model for standard axioms of equality and inequality) iff for every ground atom H: H I I |= B for some H B ground(P) iff for every ground atom H : H I implies H T P (I) iff T P (I) I
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 29 Extended T P -Characterization: Example (1) Let I 0 = { }, I 1 = {p }, I 2 = {q }, I 3 = {p, q }, Then T P (I 0 ) = { p }, T P (I 1 ) = { p }, T P (I 2 ) = { }, T P (I 3 ) = { }. T P (I 1 ) = I 1. Hence, I 1 |= comp(P a ) and I 1 |= P a T P (I 2 ) I 2. but T P (I 2 ) I 2. Hence, I 2 |= P a, but I 2 | comp(P a ) T P (I 3 ) I 3. but T P (I 3 ) I 3. Hence, I 3 |= P a, but I 3 | comp(P a ) T P (I 0 ) I 0. Hence, I 0 | P a P a : p q comp(P a ) = {p, q}
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 30 Extended T P -Characterization: Example (2) P b :p q q q comp(P b ) = {p q} Let I 0 = { }, I 1 = {p }, I 2 = {q }, I 3 = {p, q }, Then T P (I 0 ) = { p }, T P (I 1 ) = { p }, T P (I 2 ) = { q }, T P (I 3 ) = { q }. T P (I 1 ) = I 1. Hence, I 1 |= comp(P b ) and I 1 |= P b T P (I 2 ) = I 2. Hence, I 2 |= comp(P b ) and I 1 |= P b T P (I 3 ) I 3. but T P (I 3 ) I 3. Hence, I 3 |= P b, but I 3 | comp(P b ) T P (I 0 ) I 0. Hence, I 0 | P a
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 31 Completion may be Inadequate Thus, comp(P) { ill ill, infection, infection true } “=“ {ill ill, infection true } is inconsistent (it has no models). Hence, comp(P) |= healthy But, I = { ill, infection } is the only Herbrand model of P. Hence, P | healthy ill ill, infection infection
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 32 Non-Intended Herbrand Models P 1 has three Herbrand models M 1 = {p}, M 2 = {q}, and M 3 = {p, q} P 1 has no least, but two minimal models: M 1 and M 2. However: M 1 and not M 2, is the “intended“ model of P 1 P 1 : p q Because Tp is not monotonic nor continuous, it is not possible, in general to get a fixpoint, nor a least model from an extended program. Nevertheless, there are minimal models, although not necessarily unique.
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 33 Supported Herbrand Interpretations A Herbrand interpretation I is supported : For every H I there exists some H B ground(P) such that I |= B ( intuitively: B is an explanation for H ) Example: M 1 = {p, q }, M 2 = { p, q}, and M 3 = {p, q} M 1 is a supported model of P 1 ( q is the explanation for p) M 2 is no supported model of P 1 ( there is no explanation for q) Note that T P (M 2 ) = M 1 and that T P (M 1 ) = M 1. P 1 : p q
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 34 Extended T P -Characterization (4) Lemma 6.2 ([ApBo94]): Let P be an extended program and I a Herbrand interpretation. Then I |= P and I supported iff T P (I) I Proof (sketch): I |= P and I supported iff for every H B ground(P) : I |= B implies I |= H and for every H I: I |= (H B ground(P) ) B iff for every ground atom H : I |= ( H (H B ground(P) ) B ) and I |= (H → (H B ground(P) ) B ) iff for every ground atom H : I |= ( H (H B ground(P) ) B ) iff I = is a model of comp(P) iff T P (I) I (cf. Lemma 4.4)
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 35 Non-Intended Supported Models P 2 has three Herbrand models M 1 = {p}, M 2 = {q}, and M 3 = {p, q} P 2 has two supported Herbrand models : M 1 and M 2. In fact, both M1 and M2 are minimal models for comp(P2) = {p q} However: M 1 and not M 2, is the “intended“ model of P 2. M 1 is called the standard model of P 2 ( cf. later slide) In general, it is not possible to define standard models, unless the programs are stratified! P 2 :p q q q
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 36 Stratifications Let P be an extended program and D p its dependency graph, Predicate symbol p is defined in P : P contains a clause p(t 1,..., t m ) B P 1 ... P n = P is a stratification of P : P i for every i 1.. n P i P j for every i,j 1.. n, with i j for every p defined in P i and edge p → + q in D p : q is not defined in n j = i+1 P j for every p defined in P i and edge p → - q in D p : q is not defined in n j = i P j Lemma 6.5 ([ApBo94]): An extended program is stratified iff it admits a (not necessarily unique) stratification.
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 37 Stratifications Example (1) P 1 P 2 P 3 is a stratification of P, where P 1 = { num(0) , num(s(x)) num(x) } P 2 = { zero(0) } P 3 = { positive(x) num(x), zero(x) } zero(0) positive(x) num(x), zero(x) num(0) num(s(x)) num(x)
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 38 Stratifications Example (2) P admits no stratification since strat(even) > odd but strat(odd) strat(even) even(0) even(x) odd(x), num(x) odd(s(x)) even(x) num(0) num(s(x)) num(x)
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 39 Standard Models (Stratified Programs) Let I be an Herbrand interpretation and a set of predicate symbols: I | : I p(t 1,..., t m ) | p P, t 1,..., t m ground terms) P 1 ... P n be a stratification of a stratification of extended program P, Then M 1 : least Herbrand model of P 1 such that M 1 | { p | p not defined in P } = M 2 : least Herbrand model of P 2 such that M 2 | { p | p defined nowhere or in P 1 } = M 1... M n : least Herbrand model of P n such that M n | { p | p defined nowhere or in P 1 ... P n-1 } = M n-1 We call M P = M n the standard model of P
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 40 Standard Models: Example Let P 1 P 2 P 3 with P 1 = { num(0) , num(s(x)) num(x) } P 2 = { zero(0) } P 3 = { positive(x) num(x), zero(x) } be a stratification of P. Then M 1 = { num(t) | t HU {s,0} } M 2 = { num(t) | t HU {s,0} } {zero(0)} M 3 = { num(t) | t HU {s,0} } {zero(0)} {positive(t) | t HU {s,0} – {0} } Hence M P = M 3 is the standard model of P zero(0) positive(x) num(x), zero(x) num(0) num(s(x)) num(x)
11 November 2005 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 41 Properties of Standard Models Theorem 6.7 ([ApBo94]): Consider a stratified program P. Then M P does not depend on the chosen stratification of P, M P is a minimal model of P, M P is a supported model of P, Corollary: For a stratified program P, comp(P) admits a Herbrand Model.