Mission statement SLU develops the understanding and sustainable use of biological natural resources. This is achieved through research, education and environmental monitoring and assessment.
»SLU has national responsibility »for research and education in »veterinary medicine, forestry, »and landscape planning. »SLU’s main campuses are »located in Umeå, Uppsala, »Skara, and Alnarp. SLU in Sweden
Vision »top-ranked research and educational quality and creativity »creativity and leadership within environmental monitoring and assessment »attractiveness as an innovative partner in the green sector SLU’s vision is to be a world- leading Life Sciences university, characterized by:
Altered environments require new knowledge »Climate change – greenhouse gases, fossil fuels, land use, water »Global sustainability – public health, protection against infections »Agrarian industry on an international market – population growth and a rising standard of living, increased demand for food and changing consumption patterns – new eco-cyclical, climate-neutral products, more specialized raw-material and food production »Urbanization – nature and contact with animals for human well-being – land as a source of recreation, rehabilitation and adventure tourism – rural development
SLU’s Strengths and Profile Areas »Genetic Resources and Biotechnology »Animal and Human Health »Climate and Ecosystem Change »Sustainable Production Systems and the Management of Natural Resources »Quality in the Food Chain »Community Planning and Sustainable Development in Urban and Rural Environments
Genetic Resources and Biotechnology Animal and Human Health
Climate and Ecosystem Change Sustainable Production Systems and the Management of Natural Resources
Quality in the Food Chain Community Planning and Sustainable Development in Urban and Rural Environments
Strategic Focus Research at SLU »Consequences of Climate Change for the Environment and Production »Agriculture and Forestry, contributing to slowing the Greenhouse Effect »Genetic Resources and Biotechnology »Animal Health and Animal Welfare »Natural Resource Management »Rural Areas, Agrarian Industry and Industrial Development »Landscape Architecture
Percentage of university activities Turnover: MSEK Source: Annual Report 2008 Environmental monitoring and assessment 9 % Undergraduate education 22 % Research and postgraduate education 69 %
Income Källa: SLU:s Årsredovisning % Operating income 25% External grants 55% Government grants 2% Financial Turnover MSEK
Expenditure 26% Other operational expenses 10,5% Premises 3% Depreciation 0.5% Financial 60% Staff Källa: SLU:s Årsredovisning 2008 Total expenditure MSEK
Staff Postgraduate Students 12% Education and Research 38% Technical Staff/Administration 50%* Source: Annual Report 2008 Total number of employees: *Note that staff not belonging to the groups Education and Research or Postgraduate Students may be involved in teaching and research.
Strategic goals »SLU’s activities shall be characterized by a »strong link between education and research of »high international standards, and these activities »shall take place in close collaboration »with interested parties in the sectors concerned.
Strategic goals – research »SLU’s aim is to have a strategic foundation of front-line basic research to use both in developing its areas of responsibility and in its cooperation with other universities. This implies a basic knowledge development common to the areas of responsibility within, for example, biology, soil science, technology, and economics. »SLU shall aim at problem-oriented applied research with strong relevance to its five areas of responsibility. »SLU shall through its extended and improved research coooperation with industry and society, create the necessary conditions and knowledge for the development of innovations and new industries.
Strategic goals – education »SLU shall offer undergraduate and postgraduate educations that »– are attractive to students »– meet high-level scientific standards »– match society’s demand for vocational education »In addition, SLU shall be a leader within its sectors in supplying »further and commissioned education aimed at developing life-long »learning.
Research Advances in the six strength and profile areas are based on a bank of knowledge in basic disciplines such as biology, soil science, technology, and economics. » 214 Professors » 701 PhD students SLU’s participation in EU’s research programmes is extensive. In 2007 SLU participated in 65 projects. Source: Annual Report 2008
Education SLU has full-time undergraduate students and 701 PhD students » Professional degree programmes » 26 MSc, BSc, and UD programmes » 450 single subject courses » Course packages » Supplementary education » PhD programmes » Continuing education
Education »1.4 student/instructor »Close connection to research »High employability »Student influence »External national and international evaluations
Programme structure
Examples of Master’s Programmes »Agricultural Economics and Management »Animal Science »Biotechnology »Ecology »Environmental Economics and Management »Forests as a Natural Resource »Soil and Water Management »Sustainable Development »Plant and Forest Biotechnology
Courses SLU offers 450 single subject courses Major subjects »Animal Care Science »Animal Science »Biology »Business Administration »Chemistry »Economics »Equine Studies »Food Science »Forest Management »Landscape Planning »Soil Sciences »Technology
Environmental monitoring and assessment
The Swedish government has given SLU responsibility for environmental monitoring and assessment. SLU monitors the country’s forests, farmland, lakes and other watercourses, as well as animal and plant species, analyzing environmental trends and providing information to serve as a basis for environmental measures in a number of areas.
Internationalization SLU welcomes »an increased presence of foreign researchers and teachers in the activities at SLU »more collaborative projects with foreign institutions and universities in areas of common interest »an increased exchange of students, at the undergraduate as well as the graduate levels »better opportunities for SLU researchers and teachers to spend time at foreign institutions
Student exchange SLU has co-operation agreements with 120 foreign universities. Source: Annual Report 2008
Four faculties Umeå Faculty of Forest Sciences Uppsala Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science Alnarp Faculty of Landscape Planning, Horticulture and Agricultural Science
»Turnover 466 MSEK »457 employees »48 professors »158 PhD students »752 undergraduate students »9 departments »2 educational programmes »3 Master’s programmes Source: SLU’s Annual Report 2007 Faculty of Forest Sciences Faculty of Forest Sciences
Research areas »Forestry, forest management and silviculture »Forest biotechnology »Management of mountain region resources »Forest ecology and environment »Forest economy »Fish and wildlife
Departments/units »Umeå »Forest Ecology and Management »Forest Economics »Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology »Forest Resource Management »Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies »Unit for Field-Based Forest Research »Uppsala »Forest Products »Alnarp »Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre »Skinnskatteberg »School for Forest Engineers
Departments/units »Centres »Centre of Biostochastics »Centre for Image Analysis (CBA) »Center for Fish and Wildlife Research (CFW) »Umeå Centre for Tropical Research and Education (UCTREE) »Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC) »UPSC Centre for Forest Biotechnology (UCFB)
Education »MSc in Forestry »BSc in Forest Management
Källa: SLU:s Årsredovisning 2007 Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences »Turnover 960 MSEK »905 employees »88 professors »305 PhD students »1 081 undergraduate students »18 departments »14 educational programmes »12 two-year Master’s programmes, and 2 one-year Master’s programmes
Research areas »Ecology and crop production »Soil, water and environment »Landscape and society »Bio sciences
Departments/units »Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden »Biomass Technology and Chemistry (Unit) »Chemistry »Crop Production Ecology »Ecology »Economics »Energy and Technology »Environmental Assessment »Field Research Unit »Food in Sweden (Unit) »Food Science »Forest Mycology and Pathology »Forest Soils »Microbiology »Molecular Biology »Plant Biology and Forest Genetics »Soil Sciences »Urban and Rural Development »Unit for Applied Statistics and Mathematics
Departments/units »Centres »Centre of Biostochastics »Centre for Environment and Development Studies (Cemus) »Centre for Fish and Wildlife Research (CFW) »Centre for Sustainable Agriculture (CUL) »Competence Centre for Chemical Pesticides (CKB) »Swedish Biodiversity Centre (CBM) »Swedish EIA Centre »Swedish Species Information Centre »The Phytotron »Uppsala Food and Nutrition Centre (ULC) »Uppsala Water Centre (UVC)
Education »BSc »Biology and Environmental Science »Biotechnology »Computer and Systems Sciences – the environment »Economics and Management »Food and Health »Rural Change » »MSc »Agriculture »– Economics, Rural Development, Food, Soil/Plants »Aquatic and Environmental Engineering »Energy Systems Engineering »Landscape Architecture
»Turnover 486 MSEK »399 employees »50 professors »166 PhD students »1 016 undergraduate students »8 departments »6 educational programmes »2 Master’s programmes Källa: SLU:s Årsredovisning 2007 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science
Research Areas »Animal Health »Animal Management »Animal Welfare »Food Security »Public Health
Departments/units »Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry »Animal Breeding and Genetics »Animal Environment and Health – Skara »Animal Nutrition and Management »Biomedical Sciences and Veterinary Public Health »Clinical Sciences »Equine Studies »Reindeer Husbandry Unit »Centres »Centre for Reproductive Biology in Uppsala (CRU) »Centre for fish and Wildlife Research (CFW)
Education »University Diploma »Animal Nursing »Equine Studies »BSc »Ethology and Animal Welfare »Animal Science »MSc »Agriculture - animals »Veterinary Medicine
Källa: SLU:s Årsredovisning 2007 Faculty of Landscape Planning, Horticulture and Agricultural Science »Turnover 272 MSEK »245 employees »23 professors »43 PhD students »784 undergraduate students »8 areas »6 educational programmes »3 two-year Master’s programmes, 1 one-year Master’s programme
Research areas »Agriculture »Horticulture »Landscape
Key areas/units »Plant Breeding and Biotechnology »Plant Protection Biology »Horticulture »Agriculture – Farming Systems, Technology and Product Quality »Rural Buildings and Animal Husbandry »Landscape Architecture »Landscape Management, Design and Construction »Work Science, Business Economics and Environmental Psychology »Omvärld Alnarp with »Movium »Partnership Alnarp »Commissioned education »Innovation support etc.
Education »BSc programme »Countryside Management »Vocational programmes »Horticulture »Landscape Architecture »Landscape Construction and Management »Agricultural and Rural Management »Horticultural Management