“Betty Forbes” Elizabeth French Hist 221 Summer 2007
Background University of Washington School of Nursing University of Washington School of Nursing Fiancé in the U.S. Military Fiancé in the U.S. Military Brother died during the Pearl Harbor Bombing Brother died during the Pearl Harbor Bombing Sister died during the 1932 polio epidemic Sister died during the 1932 polio epidemic Family lives in Spokane, Washington Family lives in Spokane, Washington Moved to Minneapolis: The Kenny Concept Moved to Minneapolis: The Kenny Concept
“You and Professional Nursing” U.S. government recruited nurses to help on the home front and in the field. U.S. government recruited nurses to help on the home front and in the field. “America at war is calling for at least 60,000 young women to enter schools of nursing…” “America at war is calling for at least 60,000 young women to enter schools of nursing…”
F.D.R. F.D.R. was rarely photographed in his wheelchair. F.D.R. was rarely photographed in his wheelchair. National Infantile Paralysis Foundation and the March of Dimes. National Infantile Paralysis Foundation and the March of Dimes.
Surgery There was no innoculation of polio until the 50s. There was no innoculation of polio until the 50s. Many patients had to undergo painful surgery as well as other orthopedic treatments.
Disclaimer The images in this slideshow are actual photographs from the WWII era. The images in this slideshow are actual photographs from the WWII era. Betty Forbes, however, is a fictitious individual. Sorry. Betty Forbes, however, is a fictitious individual. Sorry.