P.-R Kettle MEG Review February Beam Line & Target Status Topics to be Addressed: Results of Beam Line Commissioning Phase Results of Beam Line Commissioning Phase Implications & Tests for Phase 2 in 2005 Implications & Tests for Phase 2 in 2005 New Components Status New Components Status (i) Separator (ii) Beam Transport Solenoid BTS (iii) Vacuum System (beam line + BTS) (iii) Cryogenic Transfer Lines LN 2 LHe (iv) He-Bag/Target (v. brief) Schedule 2005 Schedule 2005 Summary + Critical Points Summary + Critical Points Topics to be Addressed: Results of Beam Line Commissioning Phase Results of Beam Line Commissioning Phase Implications & Tests for Phase 2 in 2005 Implications & Tests for Phase 2 in 2005 New Components Status New Components Status (i) Separator (ii) Beam Transport Solenoid BTS (iii) Vacuum System (beam line + BTS) (iii) Cryogenic Transfer Lines LN 2 LHe (iv) He-Bag/Target (v. brief) Schedule 2005 Schedule 2005 Summary + Critical Points Summary + Critical Points
P.-R Kettle MEG Review February Beam Line Commissioning 2004 Phase 1 Phase 1: June – August 2004 Phase 1: June – August 2004 Reason for More beam tuning: new Triplet I QSBs (before QSMs LEMS) - optical + physical properties differentnew Triplet I QSBs (before QSMs LEMS) - optical + physical properties different old Separator (equivalent to new Separator) – electrostatic + physical properties similar,old Separator (equivalent to new Separator) – electrostatic + physical properties similar, magnetic properties different magnetic properties different new Triplet II QSKs - optical + physical properties differentnew Triplet II QSKs - optical + physical properties different optics Triplet I BTS non-trivial dispersion, double-waist, vertically paralleloptics Triplet I BTS non-trivial dispersion, double-waist, vertically parallel finalize optics up to injection BTS try to reduce divergence &finalize optics up to injection BTS try to reduce divergence & hence influence on beam-spot size in COBRA hence influence on beam-spot size in COBRA SepSep Trip I Trip II ASCASC BTSBTS COBRACOBRA XX YY
P.-R Kettle MEG Review February Beam Line Commissioning Results Phase A Triplet 2 1 Solenoid WIEN Filter Colli. Trip. µ+µ+µ+µ+ e+e+e+e+ e+e+e+e+ µ+µ+µ+µ+ Integrated μ + Rate 4cm 1.8mA R µ ~1.26·10 8 µ + /s (2.3·10 8 µ+/s 6cm Tg.) Integrated μ + Rate 4cm 1.8mA R µ ~1.26·10 8 µ + /s (2.3·10 8 µ+/s 6cm Tg.) Momentum-Spectrum: Momentum-Spectrum:Data: whole Beam Line optimized for each data point + 2-D Scan for each point !!! Theory: -Kinematic Edge (29.79 MeV/c) -Kinematic Edge (29.79 MeV/c) Theoretical func. P 3.5 folded with Gaussian ΔP/P + Const. Cloud µ + contribution Fitted to data Integrated e + Rate 4cm 1.8mA R e ~7.7·10 8 e + /s e + /μ + ~ 6.1 Integrated e + Rate 4cm 1.8mA R e ~7.7·10 8 e + /s e + /μ + ~ 6.1 2 /dof = 0.94 P cent = (28.16 0.02) MeV/c P/P = (7.7 0.3) % FWHM P beam = (28.2 0.9) MeV/c 2 /dof = 0.94 P cent = (28.16 0.02) MeV/c P/P = (7.7 0.3) % FWHM P beam = (28.2 0.9) MeV/c
P.-R Kettle MEG Review February Beam Line Commissioning Results Phase A –cont. First - Beam Studies with MEG Beam: for calibration purposes in the experiment - p→ 0 n, - p → n 55 → 83 MeV s and 129 MeV s Data taken from: P-spectrum measurements MeV/c P-spectrum measurements MeV/c s detected above 30 MeV/c (pulse-ht. + RF tof) s detected above 30 MeV/c (pulse-ht. + RF tof) dedicated - runs at 56 MeV/c & 103 MeV/c dedicated - runs at 56 MeV/c & 103 MeV/c 56 MeV/c interesting since max. momentum 56 MeV/c interesting since max. momentum that can be transported to COBRA with that can be transported to COBRA with good optics SNM in BTS good optics SNM in BTS dedicated CEX run at 112 MeV/c dedicated CEX run at 112 MeV/c First - Beam Studies with MEG Beam: for calibration purposes in the experiment - p→ 0 n, - p → n 55 → 83 MeV s and 129 MeV s Data taken from: P-spectrum measurements MeV/c P-spectrum measurements MeV/c s detected above 30 MeV/c (pulse-ht. + RF tof) s detected above 30 MeV/c (pulse-ht. + RF tof) dedicated - runs at 56 MeV/c & 103 MeV/c dedicated - runs at 56 MeV/c & 103 MeV/c 56 MeV/c interesting since max. momentum 56 MeV/c interesting since max. momentum that can be transported to COBRA with that can be transported to COBRA with good optics SNM in BTS good optics SNM in BTS dedicated CEX run at 112 MeV/c dedicated CEX run at 112 MeV/c Provisional Results Provisional Results - Integral Spot Rates MHz - Integral Spot Rates MHz for 1,8mA Proton Current & 4cm Target E Normalized to Momentum Slit Settings: FS41L/R 250/280 FS43L/R 240/220 FS41L/R 250/280 FS43L/R 240/ MeV/c R = 7.6 ·10 6 - /s slits open R = 7.2 ·10 5 - /s slits70/70 R = 7.2 ·10 5 - /s slits70/70 56 MeV/c R = 7.6 ·10 6 - /s slits open R = 7.2 ·10 5 - /s slits70/70 R = 7.2 ·10 5 - /s slits70/70 e-e-e-e- μ-μ-μ-μ- ----
P.-R Kettle MEG Review February Beam Line Commissioning Results Phase B Triplet 2 1 Solenoid WIEN Filter Colli. Trip. µ+µ+µ+µ+ e+e+e+e+ e+e+e+e+ µ+µ+µ+µ+ Optimization (Triplet I, Separator, Triplet II) - not so straight forward Optimization (Triplet I, Separator, Triplet II) - not so straight forward extensive beam divergence studies done over > 1m in vacuum extensive beam divergence studies done over > 1m in vacuum 3 tunes studied Optimal Rate RateOptimalSeparation Optimal Rate + Separation Rate + SeparationMinimalDivergenceDispersion Beam Profile entrance BTS Sep = OFF R μ = 1.11·10 8 μ + /s at 1.8 mA, 4cm TgE Sep=-195kV R μ = 1.09·10 8 μ + /s at 1.8 mA, 4cm TgE X ~ 17.6 mm y ~ 15.8 mm Separation e-μ ~7.5 121 mm physically Transmission Factor (TII-> BTS) T SEP195 = 86.5% !!! Divergence Fits Separator -195kV Separator -195kV Divergence Fits Separator -195kV Separator -195kV Hyperbolic Fit Ax 2 +y 2 +Bxy=n 2 X-Waist 805mm DS TII x’= 10 mrad (fac5 ) Y-Waist 735 mm DS TII y’= 15 mrad (fac1.5 ) Mean Collimator position 760 mm DS TII Hyperbolic Fit Ax 2 +y 2 +Bxy=n 2 X-Waist 805mm DS TII x’= 10 mrad (fac5 ) Y-Waist 735 mm DS TII y’= 15 mrad (fac1.5 ) Mean Collimator position 760 mm DS TII
P.-R Kettle MEG Review February Beam Line Commissioning Results Phase B –cont. Conclusions: Transmission factor 86.5 % achieved Transmission factor 86.5 % achieved Better Separation 7.5 , 121 mm Better Separation 7.5 , 121 mm Dispersion minimized up to entrance BTS Dispersion minimized up to entrance BTS Divergences reduced factor ~ 5 in x ’ factor 1.5 in y ’ Divergences reduced factor ~ 5 in x ’ factor 1.5 in y ’Conclusions: Transmission factor 86.5 % achieved Transmission factor 86.5 % achieved Better Separation 7.5 , 121 mm Better Separation 7.5 , 121 mm Dispersion minimized up to entrance BTS Dispersion minimized up to entrance BTS Divergences reduced factor ~ 5 in x ’ factor 1.5 in y ’ Divergences reduced factor ~ 5 in x ’ factor 1.5 in y ’ Proposed Layout TripletII BTS (allows all tune modes) Simulation with Geant must Confirm COBRA Spot-size first before freezing design Simulation with Geant must Confirm COBRA Spot-size first before freezing design
P.-R Kettle MEG Review February Implications Phase 2 Commissioning Phase 2 Commissioning involves BTS + COBRA – High Rate & High Magnetic Field !!! Present method – won’t work 2-D Scanner 2-D Scanner Hamamatsu PMT R7400U Hamamatsu PMT R7400U 2mm pill scintillator 2mm pill scintillator or 60cm Fibre-pill or 60cm Fibre-pill Present method – won’t work 2-D Scanner 2-D Scanner Hamamatsu PMT R7400U Hamamatsu PMT R7400U 2mm pill scintillator 2mm pill scintillator or 60cm Fibre-pill or 60cm Fibre-pill New Approach needed – COBRA 3-D COBRA Magnet Measuring Machine 3-D COBRA Magnet Measuring Machine APD APD 2mm pill scintillator 2mm pill scintillator He Bag He Bag New Approach needed – COBRA 3-D COBRA Magnet Measuring Machine 3-D COBRA Magnet Measuring Machine APD APD 2mm pill scintillator 2mm pill scintillator He Bag He Bag Hamamatsu R7400U Hamamatsu R7400U PMT PMT 8 stage 8 stage active dia. 8mm active dia. 8mm nm nm max 420nm (Blue) max 420nm (Blue) Hamamatsu R7400U Hamamatsu R7400U PMT PMT 8 stage 8 stage active dia. 8mm active dia. 8mm nm nm max 420nm (Blue) max 420nm (Blue)Sadygov-JINR APD APD micro-pixellated micro-pixellated Geiger-mode G~30k Geiger-mode G~30k 2.7x2.7 mm 2 act. 2.7x2.7 mm 2 act. 20k pixels/mm 2 20k pixels/mm 2 1 pix. 7μ x7μ 1 pix. 7μ x7μ nm nm max 400nm (Blue) max 400nm (Blue)Sadygov-JINR APD APD micro-pixellated micro-pixellated Geiger-mode G~30k Geiger-mode G~30k 2.7x2.7 mm 2 act. 2.7x2.7 mm 2 act. 20k pixels/mm 2 20k pixels/mm 2 1 pix. 7μ x7μ 1 pix. 7μ x7μ nm nm max 400nm (Blue) max 400nm (Blue) z r 8mm dia. “Golovin” type- green sens. Gain μ x 20μ Gain μ x 20μ x y
P.-R Kettle MEG Review February APD Beam Test – LEMs Beam (μE4) Dec Goal: Confirm that beam phase space measurements with APD PMT measurements under “real” conditions under “real” conditions PMT 2 mm Pill 8.5 mm Pill PMT 2 mm Pill 8.5 mm Pill APD 2 mm Pill APD With 2mm CH 2 Plate - only e + With 2mm CH 2 Plate - only e + No CH 2 Th. 310mV only μ + only μ +some Landau e + No CH 2 Th. 310mV only μ + only μ +some Landau e + Slow SlowCharge-sensitive Preamp Preamp use TFA use TFA Slow SlowCharge-sensitive Preamp Preamp use TFA use TFA RF RF APD APD APD/PMT sensitivity approx. same APD/PMT sensitivity approx. same APD e + sensitivity worse noise higher APD e + sensitivity worse noise higherSolution: Peltier Element (cooling) Peltier Element (cooling) green sens. APD + Bicron scint. green sens. APD + Bicron scint. APD/PMT sensitivity approx. same APD/PMT sensitivity approx. same APD e + sensitivity worse noise higher APD e + sensitivity worse noise higherSolution: Peltier Element (cooling) Peltier Element (cooling) green sens. APD + Bicron scint. green sens. APD + Bicron scint. Fourier Power Spectrum Low freq MHz Surface Muon Beam Signal µ+µ+µ+µ+ µ+µ+µ+µ+ e+e+e+e+ e+e+e+e+ e+e+e+e+ µ+µ+µ+µ+
P.-R Kettle MEG Review February APD Beam Test – LEMs Beam (μE4) Dec – cont. APD APD 2 mm Pill APD APD 2 mm Pill PMT PMT 2 mm Pill PMT PMT 2 mm Pill PMT PMT 8.5 mm Pill PMT PMT 8.5 mm Pill Distance z ~ z 0 -26mm Rate(µ + ) = 9.4 M/mAs X = 13.1 mm Y = 14.8 mm Distance z ~ z 0 -26mm Rate(µ + ) = 9.4 M/mAs X = 13.1 mm Y = 14.8 mm Distance z ~ z 0 mm Rate(µ + ) = 10.6 M/mAs X = 13.8 mm Y = 15.7 mm Distance z ~ z 0 mm Rate(µ + ) = 10.6 M/mAs X = 13.8 mm Y = 15.7 mm Distance z ~ z 0 +18mm Rate(µ + ) = 9.9 M/mAs X = 15.0 mm Y = 16.4 mm Distance z ~ z 0 +18mm Rate(µ + ) = 9.9 M/mAs X = 15.0 mm Y = 16.4 mm Conclusions Method works – improvement to noise needed for e + Method works – improvement to noise needed for e + Rates compatible within beam/target variations ~ 5-10% Rates compatible within beam/target variations ~ 5-10% Profiles compatible when corrected for Mult. Scatt. Profiles compatible when corrected for Mult. Scatt. separately tested up to B = 8T separately tested up to B = 8TConclusions Method works – improvement to noise needed for e + Method works – improvement to noise needed for e + Rates compatible within beam/target variations ~ 5-10% Rates compatible within beam/target variations ~ 5-10% Profiles compatible when corrected for Mult. Scatt. Profiles compatible when corrected for Mult. Scatt. separately tested up to B = 8T separately tested up to B = 8T
P.-R Kettle MEG Review February New Components Status: Separator BeamUpstreamSideBeamUpstreamSide BeamBeamBeamBeam BeamBeamBeamBeam MEG design finished end Oct. MEG design finished end Oct. all parts ordered or being manufactured all parts ordered or being manufactured 200 kV HV power supply delivered 200 kV HV power supply delivered magnet parts ordered delivery end Dec. magnet parts ordered delivery end Dec. magnet power supply available magnet power supply available magnet power cables laying shutdown magnet power cables laying shutdown Time scale: Time scale: Assembled + Tested ~ Beg. May 2005 Assembled + Tested ~ Beg. May 2005 MEG design finished end Oct. MEG design finished end Oct. all parts ordered or being manufactured all parts ordered or being manufactured 200 kV HV power supply delivered 200 kV HV power supply delivered magnet parts ordered delivery end Dec. magnet parts ordered delivery end Dec. magnet power supply available magnet power supply available magnet power cables laying shutdown magnet power cables laying shutdown Time scale: Time scale: Assembled + Tested ~ Beg. May 2005 Assembled + Tested ~ Beg. May 2005 Properties V max 200kV D plates 19cm L eff 70cm 1885mm 2579mm 2371 mm
P.-R Kettle MEG Review February New Components Status: BTS 2810 mm 380 mm 460 mm 300 mm 2630 mm 6 Main Components (supply) 6 Main Components (supply) Cryostat + Coils (BINP) Cryostat + Coils (BINP) Cryo-Connector Chamber (BINP) Cryo-Connector Chamber (BINP) Valve Chamber (PSI) Valve Chamber (PSI) Support Stand (BINP) Support Stand (BINP) Power Supply (PSI) Power Supply (PSI) Cryogenic Transfer Lines (PSI) Cryogenic Transfer Lines (PSI) Vac. & Window Flanges (PSI) Vac. & Window Flanges (PSI) 6 Main Components (supply) 6 Main Components (supply) Cryostat + Coils (BINP) Cryostat + Coils (BINP) Cryo-Connector Chamber (BINP) Cryo-Connector Chamber (BINP) Valve Chamber (PSI) Valve Chamber (PSI) Support Stand (BINP) Support Stand (BINP) Power Supply (PSI) Power Supply (PSI) Cryogenic Transfer Lines (PSI) Cryogenic Transfer Lines (PSI) Vac. & Window Flanges (PSI) Vac. & Window Flanges (PSI) Main Specifications L Cryo 2810 mm D Bore 380 mm D Coil 460 mm L Coil 2630 mm B Max <0.5 T I max 300 amps L Max 0.98 H E Stored 44 kJ Main Specifications L Cryo 2810 mm D Bore 380 mm D Coil 460 mm L Coil 2630 mm B Max <0.5 T I max 300 amps L Max 0.98 H E Stored 44 kJ Time Scale Time Scale Materials procurement July 2004 Purchase Order end July 2004 Contract Signed beg. Aug Design Approval (PSI) Nov Production complete: (Large Parts) * end Feb (Small Parts) end Jan Assembly BINP * Feb.-Mar Performance Tests BINP * April 2005 Delivery PSI (week 20) * mid May 2005 Installation+ Acceptance Tests (6 weeks) * end June 2005 Time Scale Time Scale Materials procurement July 2004 Purchase Order end July 2004 Contract Signed beg. Aug Design Approval (PSI) Nov Production complete: (Large Parts) * end Feb (Small Parts) end Jan Assembly BINP * Feb.-Mar Performance Tests BINP * April 2005 Delivery PSI (week 20) * mid May 2005 Installation+ Acceptance Tests (6 weeks) * end June 2005 Power Supply: – ordered delivery Mid-April 2005 Power Supply: – ordered delivery Mid-April 2005 Control System – under design Control System – under design Outstanding: vac. + window flanges –Drawing Office vac. + window flanges –Drawing Office
P.-R Kettle MEG Review February New Components Status: BTS – cont. BTS Cryostat + Cryo-Connector Chamber Cryo-Connector Chamber Valve Chamber connects to LHe transfer Line containsJoule-Thompson Valves for control Valve Chamber connects to LHe transfer Line containsJoule-Thompson Valves for control ContainscryoConnections for main Cryostat Dewar i/P Currentlead LHe i/p LHe o/p
P.-R Kettle MEG Review February New Components Status: BTS – cont. Updated BTS Production Schedule Updated BTS Production Schedule cryostat cylinders – formed, machining still necessary cryostat cylinders – formed, machining still necessary large cryostat end-flanges - made, final machining necessary large cryostat end-flanges - made, final machining necessary tower flanges + internal parts – finished, assembly in progress tower flanges + internal parts – finished, assembly in progress coil-support structure – ready for fibre-glassing + epoxying & bending coil-support structure – ready for fibre-glassing + epoxying & bending coil manufactured – ready for forming coil manufactured – ready for forming 1:1 tower drawing on door on door Delay 3-4 weeks expected compared with original schedule compared with original schedule Delay 3-4 weeks expected compared with original schedule compared with original schedule ~ 50% delay ~ 50% delaynon-technical nature – nature – 1 St time Russia has has 2 weeks extra 2 weeks extra Christmas Christmas Holidays Holidays i.e. workshops closed closed ~ 50% delay ~ 50% delaynon-technical nature – nature – 1 St time Russia has has 2 weeks extra 2 weeks extra Christmas Christmas Holidays Holidays i.e. workshops closed closed ~ 50% delay technical nature technical nature delay coil support Structure – too long !!! – too long !!! ~ 50% delay technical nature technical nature delay coil support Structure – too long !!! – too long !!!
P.-R Kettle MEG Review February Vacuum System Beam Line + BTS Pump Stands needed Beam Line: downstream of Triplet II Beam Line: downstream of Triplet II BTS Isolation vacuum up to interface BTS Isolation vacuum up to interface LHe Transfer Line LHe Transfer Line Pump Stands needed Beam Line: downstream of Triplet II Beam Line: downstream of Triplet II BTS Isolation vacuum up to interface BTS Isolation vacuum up to interface LHe Transfer Line LHe Transfer Line Trip I SEP Trip II BTS XX X X X Pump2 Pump3 Pump1 BTS Isolation Vac BeamVac PumpSep 3μ Diff.window MylarWindow wall Problem: high Bfield environment ~200 G Max allowed B~ 4mT (40G) Combined Solution found Pump stand 3 Combined Solution found Pump stand 3 Stray B ~20 30G Stray B ~20 30G Components ordered Components ordered control system under design control system under design Problem: high Bfield environment ~200 G Max allowed B~ 4mT (40G) Combined Solution found Pump stand 3 Combined Solution found Pump stand 3 Stray B ~20 30G Stray B ~20 30G Components ordered Components ordered control system under design control system under design 4 Gauss 9 Gauss 30 Gauss ~60G ~200G BTS BTS
P.-R Kettle MEG Review February Cryogenic Transfer Lines From μE4 LN 2 Calo to E3 EH LN 2 LHe LHeBTS BTS LN 2 –Transfer Line: Order placed Order placed delivery end Jan.2005 delivery end Jan.2005 being installed NOW !!! being installed NOW !!! available ~mid Feb available ~mid Feb LN 2 –Transfer Line: Order placed Order placed delivery end Jan.2005 delivery end Jan.2005 being installed NOW !!! being installed NOW !!! available ~mid Feb available ~mid Feb LHe –Transfer Line: Order placed Order placed delivery mid March 2005 delivery mid March 2005 available beg April 2005 available beg April 2005 LHe –Transfer Line: Order placed Order placed delivery mid March 2005 delivery mid March 2005 available beg April 2005 available beg April 2005 LHe Transfer Line
P.-R Kettle MEG Review February He Bag/Target System Final Layout He Bag System Dimensions cannot be frozen Dimensions cannot be frozen until Geant simulation with until Geant simulation with final beam optics confirms final beam optics confirms beam phase space in COBRA beam phase space in COBRA He bag required between BTS He bag required between BTS window & COBRA cryostat window & COBRA cryostat Advantageous to fill COBRA Advantageous to fill COBRA completely with He completely with He i.e. “COBRA-Bag” i.e. “COBRA-Bag” e.g. Minimize Mult.Scattering Maximize X 0 Maximize X 0 He/Vacuum interface Problematic - Material/leakage Position determined by – optics, degrader thickness - being finalized Final Layout He Bag System Dimensions cannot be frozen Dimensions cannot be frozen until Geant simulation with until Geant simulation with final beam optics confirms final beam optics confirms beam phase space in COBRA beam phase space in COBRA He bag required between BTS He bag required between BTS window & COBRA cryostat window & COBRA cryostat Advantageous to fill COBRA Advantageous to fill COBRA completely with He completely with He i.e. “COBRA-Bag” i.e. “COBRA-Bag” e.g. Minimize Mult.Scattering Maximize X 0 Maximize X 0 He/Vacuum interface Problematic - Material/leakage Position determined by – optics, degrader thickness - being finalized Degrader No loss 12% He loss 12% He loss 3% Decays 3% Decays Transmission Profile (no Target) Target System Target System Serious work will start when optics Frozen Serious work will start when optics Frozen i.e. post Geant simulation of final optics i.e. post Geant simulation of final optics simulation of non-stopped μ + as well as Michels simulation of non-stopped μ + as well as Michels will also be done as He ½ target thickness will also be done as He ½ target thickness therefore μ + which miss Tg will stop at downstream therefore μ + which miss Tg will stop at downstream side of detector side of detector Target System Target System Serious work will start when optics Frozen Serious work will start when optics Frozen i.e. post Geant simulation of final optics i.e. post Geant simulation of final optics simulation of non-stopped μ + as well as Michels simulation of non-stopped μ + as well as Michels will also be done as He ½ target thickness will also be done as He ½ target thickness therefore μ + which miss Tg will stop at downstream therefore μ + which miss Tg will stop at downstream side of detector side of detector
P.-R Kettle MEG Review February Schedule 2005 Changes 2005: (compared to previous schedule) Changes 2005: (compared to previous schedule) Shutdown only 3 months Shutdown only 3 months BTS Schedule + 6 weeks BTS Schedule + 6 weeks target design + manufacture extended target design + manufacture extended Separator delay + 1month Separator delay + 1month shift of Gotta et al. by 4 weeks??? shift of Gotta et al. by 4 weeks???
P.-R Kettle MEG Review February Summary Points Beam Line / Detector Design: Beam Line / Detector Design: 1.Extensive Beam test made during Commissioning 2004 – excellent transmission intensityexcellent transmission intensity good separation qualitygood separation quality several optics studiedseveral optics studied 2.Study of - beam for detector calibration done 3.Beam Line component design BTS, Separator finalized & under construction 4.Beam line infrastructure LN 2, LHe transfer lines, vacuum systems designs finished & ordered + installation started designs finished & ordered + installation started 5.Final GEANT simulation of the optimized optics underway to define FINAL LAYOUT incl. Platform/COBRA define FINAL LAYOUT incl. Platform/COBRA 6.He-Bag System design discussions underway “COBRA-BAG” 7.Now have PSI Design Engineer for Target / He-bag System as well as Beam Line components Target / He-bag System as well as Beam Line components Beam Line / Detector Design: Beam Line / Detector Design: 1.Extensive Beam test made during Commissioning 2004 – excellent transmission intensityexcellent transmission intensity good separation qualitygood separation quality several optics studiedseveral optics studied 2.Study of - beam for detector calibration done 3.Beam Line component design BTS, Separator finalized & under construction 4.Beam line infrastructure LN 2, LHe transfer lines, vacuum systems designs finished & ordered + installation started designs finished & ordered + installation started 5.Final GEANT simulation of the optimized optics underway to define FINAL LAYOUT incl. Platform/COBRA define FINAL LAYOUT incl. Platform/COBRA 6.He-Bag System design discussions underway “COBRA-BAG” 7.Now have PSI Design Engineer for Target / He-bag System as well as Beam Line components Target / He-bag System as well as Beam Line components Critical Paths for Detector Time Schedule 2005: Critical Paths for Detector Time Schedule 2005: BTS delivery Mid May 2005BTS delivery Mid May 2005 Separator completion Beg. May 2005Separator completion Beg. May 2005 BTS Power Supply delivery April 2005BTS Power Supply delivery April 2005 He-Bag for beam measurementsHe-Bag for beam measurements Critical Paths for Detector Time Schedule 2005: Critical Paths for Detector Time Schedule 2005: BTS delivery Mid May 2005BTS delivery Mid May 2005 Separator completion Beg. May 2005Separator completion Beg. May 2005 BTS Power Supply delivery April 2005BTS Power Supply delivery April 2005 He-Bag for beam measurementsHe-Bag for beam measurements