Research at FXPAL HCC Tahoe Retreat July 7th - 9th 1999 Elizabeth Churchill
What is FXPAL? Software research laboratory for Fuji Xerox Co-located with Xerox PARC to foster between- lab collaboration Located in Silicon Valley to take advantage of the technology and entrepreneurial culture Active interactions with Universities UC Berkeley internships ongoing collaboration with James Landay Stanford, USC, MIT Media Lab…
Our approach User Communities Technology Knowledge
User Community Field Work Inspired by ethnographic research & PD –interviews in work settings –observations of work practice (physical and digital encounters) –innovations based on work practice observations Focus on people’s day-to-day activities Consider technologies in support of those
Process Technology Invention Technology Evaluation User Communities Product License Create Capitalize Use Knowledge, Insights, and Expertise Prototypes & Deployment
Research Groups at FXPAL Human Centered Mobile Computing, personal and collaborative technologies Adaptive Software Smart Spaces
Human Centered Mobile Computing X-Libris; personal document readers; reading, annotation, skimming The Palette; tangible interfaces, presentation practices
Human Centered Mobile Computing Virtual Work lightweight communications, CMC & FTF conversations and collaborations Conversational Characters character based interfaces, gesture & speech recognition and production
Industry Partnerships Daedalus/BARWAN (layered wireless connectivity) Randy Katz & Eric Brewer MASH: A Multimedia Architecture that Scales Across Heterogeneous Environments Randy Katz & Steve McCanne SmartSpaces … Randy Katz
The Future? ………...