Sixth Grade
Elementary Chorus For students in Grades 5 and 6 Meets during recess twice a week Opportunities for ‘special parts’ Chorus T-shirt for performances All-school assembly on Tuesday, Feb. 12 Evening performance on Tuesday, Feb. 12 at 6:00 p.m. at the Fine Arts Festival
Teachers Mrs. Kaldy Ms. Traggiai Mrs. Wade Mrs. Wolford
Math The sixth grade math curriculum is designed to help students improve and excel in math as they work to master the concepts and skills of the PA State Math Standards. The areas of study will include: -Number Systems and Number Relationships -Computation and Estimation -Measurement -Reasoning and Problem Solving -Statistics and Data Analysis -Probability -Geometry -Algebra -Math and Technology= Graphing Calculators and Robotics Math Textbook- McDougal Littell Middle School Math Math Textbook Website- Math Computer Programs- Study Island Math Facts In A Flash Math Materials- -Textbook -Chapter Vocabulary -Calculator -Problem of the Week Robotics- Lego NXT Robots
Grade Level Schedule 9:00-9:10 Homeroom 9:11-10:17 Period 1 10:19-11:25 Period 2 11:27– 12:00 Period 3 12:05-12:35 Lunch 12:40-1:10 Recess 1:12:-1:45 Period 3 Cont. 1:47-2:53 Period 4 2:55-3:37 Special 3:40-3:45 Dismissal Students are responsible for coming to class prepared. Students are responsible for collecting and making up any work they miss due to music lessons, field trips, and/or academic games.
Language Arts The sixth grade language arts curriculum will combine reading, writing, listening, speaking and grammatical skills. The purpose of this class is to become fluent and effective readers, writers and speakers. We will work on reading comprehension by reading a variety of literature ranging from novels to short stories and passages as well as through the online learning program, Study Island, aligned to the Pennsylvania standards. We will strive to enhance our writing by placing focus on our word choice, grammar usage, sentence structure, conventions and mechanics of the English language, again, all in anticipation of improving our communication. We will learn the parts of speech and effectively use them within our sentence writing and place proper emphasis on them within our oral speaking through class discussions and public speaking practices. With all of this in mind, I am confident that each and every child will find success in meeting the challenge that awaits them in the sixth grade world of reading and writing. oRESOURCES oTrade books and novels oScott Foresman; Reading Street oStudy Island online learning tool oCOMMON PRACTICES oLiterature Studies/Grammar Studies oJournal Writing oEnglish Review packets oCoach Book PSSA Exercises/ ocomprehension/open ended oStudy Island oKeeping a notebook oSilent reading Genres of Literature -Fantasy _Fictional -Historical fiction -Biography -Informational -Science fiction -Mystery -Realistic fiction oWriting oDescriptive /Persuasive/Informative /Narrative./Directions oBiography oPEPSI/RAFT [single well-constructed organized paragraph] oPoetry/Figurative Language oComputer Programs - Microsoft word [page border, clip art, word art, text box, bullets, wash outs, columns, synonyms] -Necessary skills for typing an essay and creating a nice presentation for essays and projects -*Study Island oGraded Work oTests will have a study guide oThere may be announced and unannounced quizzes oseatwork -projects -homework ocredit for doing homework oEssays graded according to standard twenty point rubric oProjects are introduced with instructions and rubrics/graded based upon the same rubric oHow can you help your student? oEncourage student to review notes, study guides and vocab. oPlay scrabble to assist with vocab. and spelling oGet your child a tablet of MAD LIBS for parts of speech oRead on a regular basis-please keep up with AR! o Check the WIKI page regularly
Accelerated Reader Requirements per nine weeks: 1 st report period: 6 pts-October 25 2 nd report period: 7 pts-Jan. 15 3 rd report period: 8 pts-March 20 4 th report period: 9 pts-May 28 Many, many books are provided for the students! Test may be taken daily during homeroom or recess. Tests may be taken during library period and/or when a students asks for permission and it works into our schedule! Daily reading time in class = Daily reading time at home Grading: I will triple the amount of points earned [capped at total required] out of the amount of points required [tripled]. Students have the opportunity of earning bonus points for reading above the requirements.
Study Island Online Tool PSSA Prep Math and Reading Aligned to PA Standards Students may logon at home! Laurel username and password Goal: Earn 70% on skills practice before playing a game
Science The sixth grade science curriculum reflects the PA Standards in Science and Technology as well as Environment and Ecology. The areas of study will include: *Inquiry and Design-using skills to solve problems and applying the Scientific Method *Physical Science- How heat affects matter *Earth Science- Weather, Earth “Processes” (how and why the earth changes over time), Soil, Rocks and Minerals, Fossils, Exploring the Universe, Resources, Water Systems, Ecosystems/Biomes, Environmental Health The annual Sixth Grade Science Fair will be held this year in May during the school day and from 7:30-8:30 pm in the Elementary Gym. Check out for review, games and the online student edition of our text.
Social Studies The sixth grade social studies curriculum reflects the PA state standards for Civics and Government, Economics, Geography, and History. Topics Include: Lawrence County and Pennsylvania Civil War Canada, and Latin America World War I World War II Materials needed for class are the Text and various supplements, Notebook, Maps Students will earn their grade through tests quizzes homework presentations projects Students will also complete a formal research report.
Spelling Spelling Grade: Homework – 5 pt (in cursive) Final Test – pts Words for the year are on the Sixth Grade Wiki On four-day weeks there will be no worksheet. Homework: Monday: 3 times each Tuesday: ABC order Wednesday: Worksheet Thursday: Study for the test
Homework Policy 10 minute Rule: 10 minutes x grade = amount of time for homework. 6 th Grade Wiki **Go to Laurel Website **Click on “Elementary Wiki” **Click on “6 th Grade” **Click on “Homework” Incomplete homework = loss of recess and one check Three checks = a letter home Four checks = a detention
Accessing Your Child’s Grades: MMS replaces Edline MMS allows you to access your child’s attendance, grades and schedule Easy access from the Laurel website If you haven’t already, please be sure to return the informational letter that you received from your child’s homeroom teacher so that you can activate your account! Lost the paper? Need help? Please call the library at [724] ext 2942
Fieldtrip KENNYWOOD Kennywood is an all day event (9:00 am – 8:30pm). All students will be chaperoned by an adult. No one will walk around the park alone! Chaperones will be selected by the 6 th grade staff.
Elementary Chorus For students in Grades 5 and 6 Meets during recess twice a week Opportunities for ‘special parts’ Chorus T-shirt for performances All-school assembly on Tuesday, Feb. 12 Evening performance on Tuesday, Feb. 12 at 6:00 p.m. at the Fine Arts Festival