To infinitive and gerund (ing-form)
We can use either to-infinitive or an –ing form after these verbs Begin Continue Start Intend
Examples They began mixing with the wrong people They began to mix with the wrong people. She intends buying a new house. She intends to buy a new house.
These verbs are followed by to- infinitive Agree Choose Decide Plan Promise Refuse Want
examples “At last I realized I had destroyed my life” he said,”but I didn’t want to destroy my daughter’s too, so I chose to live a new life with her.”
These verbs are followed by-ing form Admit Avoid Consider Deny Enjoy Risk Suggest
Examples I really enjoy protecting people and catching thieves. The teacher suggested taking the students to the zoo. My feet started shaking and there was a pain in my chest. I suggested cutting down on my meals.
More about -ing Used as a noun Dancing will help me get slimmer. After a preposition I am thinking of getting a new mobile. As an adjective Your working hour will be from nine to five
More examples I am thinking of being a policeman. I would like to have an exciting job like this. My sister can be really silly and annoying The lyrics are touching. They can touch my heart and make me smile or cry.