Access Tutorial 19 th APAN Meeting Bangkok, Thailand
2 Agenda Introduction to access grid technology Design consideration Installation Using access grid
Introduction to access grid technology
4 Introduction to access grid Access Grid is a –Group-to-Group collaborative environment –Provided live, immersive experience over a long distance –Sharing facilities between participants Web Browser Presentation Camera Controller Aplications The AG technology was developed by the Futures Laboratory at Argonne National Laboratory and is deployed by the NCSA PACI Alliance.
5 Definitions Access Grid (AG) –The infrastructure and software technologies Access Grid Node (AGN) –The ensemble of systems and services managed and scheduled as a coherent unit Access Grid Site (AGS) –A physical site that supports one or more AGNs
6 Benefits Enable group to group interaction and collaboration Improve the user experience –Go beyond teleconferencing –Provide a sense of presence –Support natural interaction Use quality but affordable digital IP based audio/video Enable complex multi-site visual and collaborative experiences Build on integrated grid services architecture
7 E - Learning
8 Remote Presentation
9 Video Conference
10 Massive Multisites conference
Design Consideration
12 Architecture
13 Hardware components Projectors Cameras Video Capture Cards Multi-head display Microphones Echo Canceller Speakers or Room audio system A set of PCs High speed network
14 RoomView Audience View Presenter View Camera Setup Display Video Capture
15 Audio Setup Network Echo Canceller Microphone Mixer Audio Digitizer
16 The Access Grid Toolkit (AGTk) AGTK is a set of software need to install and operate access grid –Venue Server –Venue Client –Video, Audio service application –Shared application components Latest version is AGTK 2.3 Information:
17 Architecture Node Service Service Service Manager Venue ClientVenue Server Service ManagerService Video or Audio Display
18 Virtual Venue Virtual Meeting Place on Intetrnet –Emulate the allocation of Meeting room in Conference Center –Support collaboration services Event distribution Session initiation Data and Control channel
19 Access Grid Meeting Video Multicast Channel Audio Multicast Channel VIC RAT VIC Virtual Venue
Personal Node Installation on Windows
21 Architecture of Personal Node Node Service Service Service ManagerVenue Client Venue Server
22 Required Software ActivePython – Python Interpreter wxPythonWIN32 – Python GUI AGTk (Access Grid Toolkits) Windows version AG certificate
23 Installation Order ActivePython wxPythonWIN32 AGTk
24 Active Python Installation Double click ActivePython win32-ix86
25 Active Python Installation (cont.) Click Complete, then click Next
26 Active Python Installation (cont.) Click Install
27 Active Python Installation (cont.) Installation progressing
28 Active Python Installation (cont.) Click Finish
29 wxPython Installation Double click wxPythonWIN Py23, click Next
30 wxPython Installation (cont.) Click Yes
31 wxPython Installation (cont.) Click Next
32 wxPython Installation (cont.) Click Full Install, Click Next
33 wxPython Installation (cont.) Click Next
34 wxPython Installation (cont.) Installation progressing
35 wxPython Installation (cont.) Click Finish
36 wxPython Installation (cont.) Compilation
37 AGTk Installation Double click AGTk-2.3-Py-2.3, click Next
38 AGTk Installation (cont.) Click I accept the agreement, click Next
39 AGTk Installation (cont.) Click Next
40 AGTk Installation (cont.) Click Next
41 AGTk Installation (cont.) Click Next
42 AGTk Installation (cont.) Click Next
43 AGTk Installation (cont.) Installation progressing
44 AGTk Installation (cont.) Click Finish
45 AGTk Installation (cont.) Open Access Grid Venue Client by double click at icon, click OK
46 AGTk Installation (cont.) Fill the information in the window, fill ult at Home Venue
47 AGTk Installation (cont.) Program’s Main windows
48 Import certificate file Click Preferences ---> Manage Certificates ---> Certificate Manager
49 Import certificate file (cont.) Choose tab Trusted certificates, click Import
50 Import certificate file (cont.) Choose certificate file bc.0 in directory ThaiGridCert downloaded from website, click Import
51 Import certificate file (cont.) Choose tab Certificate, click Import
52 Import certificate file (cont.) Choose file usercert.pem as Certificate file, choose userkey.pem as Private key file from folder ThaiGridCert, click Import
53 Import certificate file (cont.) Fill passphrase 1q2w3e4r
54 Import certificate file (cont.) Click OK
55 Import certificate file (cont.) Certificate is already been added
56 Create proxy Choose tab Globus proxies, click Create
57 Import certificate file (cont.) Fill information in windows –Pass phrase : fill 1q2w3e4r –Key size : 1024 –Proxy lifetime [hours] : proxy available duration time
58 Import certificate file (cont.) Globus proxies
59 Activating certificate Restart Venue client to activate all the setup –Exit venue client –Start venue client
60 Video Camera Installation At menu bar, click Preferences ----> Manage My node
61 Video Camera Installation (cont.) Click VideoConsumerService, right click, choose Add
62 Video Camera Installation (cont.) Choose VideoService, click OK
63 Video Camera Installation (cont.) Choose video camera, click OK
64 Video Camera Installation (cont.) At menu bar, click File ----> Storge configuration
65 Video Camera Installation (cont.) Choose default Windows, click OK
Using Access Grid
67 Join the room At main window, Click Go
68 Join the room (cont.) Fill name and , click Accept
69 Join the room (cont.) Click at mini video window for bigger one
70 Conversation example s S m M l L
71 Change the conversation room At main window, double click desired room
72 Video Configuration At vic, click Menu
73 Video Configuration (cont.) Choose Bandwidth, number of frames per second Click Release, tick at Transmit Click Dismiss to exit
74 Video Configuration (cont.) Click Autoplace to adjust size of Video
75 Video Configuration (cont.) Choose size, click Apply, click Close
76 Sound Configuration Slide button volume to adjust sound volume
Thank You
Using more access grid features
79 Text-based Chat
80 Exchanging File
81 Upload File
82 Upload File (cont)
83 Download File
84 Share Browser
85 Adding Share Browser
86 Starting Share Browser
87 Using Share Browser
88 Removing Share Browser
89 Share Presentation
90 Adding Share Presentation
91 Starting Share Presentation
92 Using Share Presentation
93 Using Share Presentation
94 System Tests Assess the state of network connectivity Test audio with remote site –Normalize transmission levels across nodes –Eliminate poor-quality audio –Ensure that node operator can speak in a normal voice and type w/o being detected on public channel PowerPoint dry runs –Download ppt files before event if very large –Remote animations and transitions Participate on the mud
95 Runtime Adjustments Display Audio Video BackChannel Communications Distributed PowerPoint Participate on the mud
96 Display Presenter should be able to see –Remote audiences –His own video –Remote nodes' displays If cpu is pegged on display, mute non- critical video streams to save decoding Place video window of remote presenter on the same side of his ppt as he appears in real life
97 Audio Closely monitor audio transmit levels Turn off transmission when another node has the floor for an extended period Turn off silence suppression during presentations Inform local participants when you turn transmit on and off Relaunch rat if experiencing bad audio distortion
98 Video Keep presenter framed in camera, but avoid Blair Witch syndrome Ensure presenter looks in the camera during presentation When an audience member ask a question, zoom audience cam in for a closeup Adjust hue/saturation/contrast/brightness Clamp transmission bandwidth to improve outgoing audio quality
99 Distributed PowerPoint Announce slide changes on backchannel Relaunch master if clients stop following Kill master process after presentation
Backup Slides
101 AGTK Architecture Venue Server Venue Client Bridge Server Node Service Service Manager Venue Management S S S
102 RTP-based Client Bridge Client 1 video/1 audio n video/n audio 1 video/1 audio m video/1 audio Client Multicast n video/n audiom video/1 audio
103 Multicast IP Class D /4 – ABC DEF / / /10000
104 H.323 Client MCU Client 1 video/1 audio 1 mixed video/1 mixed audio 1 video/1 audio
105 PKI Properties A key pair consists of a private key and a public key –Data encrypted by the private key can only be decrypted by the public key –Data encrypted by the public key can only be decrypted by the private key Private key must be kept in a secure place accessed by the owner Public key can be distributed freely
106 PKI Properties (cont.) Usage –Encryption Encrypted by the public key of remote peer –Authentication Encrypted by the private key of local peer General Usage –Encrypt data by the local private key then –Encrypt the data again by the remote public key
107 Generic PKI A private public B private public C private public
108 Certificate Authority A private cert B private cert C private cert CA private cert
109 Multiple CA A private cert 1 B private cert 2 C private cert 1 CA 1 private cert CA 2 private cert
110 PKI with CA Private Public CA AHost B Private Public 1: generate a pair of private key and public key 2: sign its public key by its own private key 3: distribute CA certificate to other parties 1: generate a pair of private key and public key 2: sign its public key by CA public key 3: submit the request to CA 4,5: sign by CA private and reply Public A.1 A.2 A.3 B.1 Public B.2 B.4 B.3 B.5
111 Distributed PowerPoint display box client slides.ppt master slides.ppt display box client slides.ppt display box client slides.ppt registry and agserv
112 Access Grid use PKI as key infrastructure Usage –Encryption Encrypted by the public key of remote peer –Authentication Encrypted by the private key of local peer General Usage –Encrypt data by the local private key then –Encrypt the data again by the remote public key