08/02/2001S. Felix Wu and Dan Massey1 iTrace Probability: 1/20,000 For routers closer to the victim, useful iTrace messages will be produced very frequently. But, for routers closer to a slave with a low packet rate, it can take a long time, statistically, for the “right” iTrace messages to be generated. A high-rate attack flow from the slave: A low-rate attack flow from the slave: Aggregation of lower-rate flows at routers near the victims:
08/02/2001S. Felix Wu and Dan Massey2 Intention-driven iTrace Different destination hosts, networks, domains/ASs have different “intention levels” in receiving iTrace packets. –We propose to add one “iTrace-intention” bit. –Some of them might not care about iTrace, and some of them might not be under DDoS attacks, for example.
08/02/2001S. Felix Wu and Dan Massey3 packet- forwarding table Intention selection module iTrace generation module BGP routing table copy iTrace intention bits Intention-Driven iTrace architecture (draft-wu-itrace-intention-01.txt) 1/20K iTrace selection intention iTrace trigger?? P% intention iTrace trigger copy iTrace Execution bit User (firmware) Kernel (hardware)
08/02/2001S. Felix Wu and Dan Massey4 Processing Overhead Processing for each data packet: 1. if the iTrace Execution bit is 1, (1). Copy this packet to the iTrace daemon. (2). reset the iTrace Execution bit to 0. 1/20K iTrace message trigger occurs: 1. Select and Set one iTrace Intention bit from the BGP table.
08/02/2001S. Felix Wu and Dan Massey5 Differences from the 00 draft P iit for probabilistically controlling normal versus intention iTrace The difference between iib (iTrace intention bits in the BGP routing table) and ieb (iTrace execution bit in the forwarding table).
08/02/2001S. Felix Wu and Dan Massey6 Comments Received The confusion of “statistics”. –Each packet will have a constant probability to be traced (1/20K). –Packet flows with higher rate will statistically get iTraced faster. Maliciously sending “intentions” to grab all the iTrace resources. –Using P iit to keep some normal iTrace. Hard to add one extra bit to the forwarding table. –Looking for ways to implement intention iTrace without modifying the packet forwarding process.
08/02/2001S. Felix Wu and Dan Massey7 Relationship with “iTrace” Add iib, ieb and the mechanism for processing “iTrace triggers”. The proposed architecture will be identical to the original iTrace architecture if P iit = 0. Need to worry about the “ probability element (TAG = 0x0A) ” when P iit > 0.
08/02/2001S. Felix Wu and Dan Massey8 Status Simulation results for draft-00 to appear in ICCCN’2001. Simulation and prototype implementation (in Linux) for draft-01 in progress. Probability analysis (for the probability element, TAG=0x0A ) for intention iTrace just started.