Working Together to Help Keep Connecticut’s Economy Healthy Eileen Auen, President Health Net of the Northeast CBIA Economic Forum September 4, 2003
2 CBIA – September 4, 2003 Connecticut Executives’ Top Concerns Health Care Costs Property Tax Workers’ Compensation Personal Income Tax Labor Costs BlumShapiro//CBIA 2003
3 CBIA – September 4, 2003 Our Regional Health Care Picture Health care utilization and costs are continuing to rise Premiums increasing in 2004 between 11% – 14% on average Employers passing cost increases on to their employees Employees looking to employers and legislators for leadership State budget shortfalls will create more pressure on hospitals and insurers
4 CBIA – September 4, 2003 Industry Premium Comparisons Industry Commercial Premium, per member per month Source: 2003 Health Leaders, Inc.
5 CBIA – September 4, 2003 Health Net Hospital Cost Comparison Q (Per member, per month relative cost) Connecticut1.26 California1.10 New Jersey1.15 New York*1.0 *Excludes HCRA Tax
6 CBIA – September 4, 2003 Factors Driving Premium Increases % Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers Drugs, Medical Devices & Advances Rising Provider Expenses Government Mandates & Regulations Increased Consumer Demands Litigation & Risk Management Other 22%18%15% 7%5% $15B $12B $10B $5B $3B *Plus 18% general inflation
7 CBIA – September 4, 2003 Utilization Increasing Rx per 1,000 Members Health Net of the Northeast
8 CBIA – September 4, 2003 Missing the Mark on Generics % of Generics Health Net of the Northeast
9 CBIA – September 4, 2003 Rising Provider Expenses Industry factors Macro-economic issues Regulatory Government programs General lack of competitiveness
10 CBIA – September 4, 2003 Government Mandates and Regulations More than 1,500 existing Federal and state mandates, and more to come Unintended financial consequences Elimination of cost-control tools Shift away from medical necessity
11 CBIA – September 4, 2003 Mandates that make sense Mammography screenings Cervical cancer screenings Some clinical trials
12 CBIA – September 4, 2003 Our Aging Population 12.5% of the U.S. population is 65 or older 14% of CT’s population is now 65 or older By 2030 more than 20% will be 65 or older
13 CBIA – September 4, 2003 Litigation and Risk Management Class-action lawsuits Defensive medicine Malpractice premiums
Solutions: How We Can Control Health Care Costs in Connecticut
15 CBIA – September 4, 2003 Solutions for Reducing Health Care Costs Bring consumers back into the process Focus on pharmacy issues Use information to target appropriate interventions Reduce administrative costs
16 CBIA – September 4, 2003 Bringing Consumers into the Process Transparency Cost and quality incentives Variable-option plans Access to information
17 CBIA – September 4, 2003 Focus on Pharmacy Issues Triple-tier Rx Lower co-payments for generics, and increased co-pays & coinsurance for brand-name drugs Patient/member education (i.e., antibiotic-resistance, compliance, interactions, etc.)
18 CBIA – September 4, 2003 Target Appropriate Interventions Focus on high-cost providers Evidence-based medicine Disease management programs for chronic illnesses Case management of high-risk populations Promote preventative health
19 CBIA – September 4, 2003 How Health Net is Reducing Administrative Costs Increasing auto-adjudication Online enrollment Physician and hospital Internet connectivity Less documentation required from most in-network physicians
20 CBIA – September 4, 2003 Reducing Costly Mandates and Regulations Write or call your legislator and regulators Lobby for more flexible benefits Request cost-benefit analysis prior to any new health-care mandates being imposed Educate your employees about issues driving health cost increases
21 CBIA – September 4, 2003 Importance of Partnership with CBIA Health Net serves close to 20,000 members through CBIA Increases “buying power” for small businesses Influential voice for meeting small- business needs in Connecticut
22 CBIA – September 4, 2003 What You Can Do Wise health care policies More consumer information Flexible plan design Be an advocate