Explore the use of multiple gateways for intrusion detection defense Sunil Bhave & Sonali Patankar CS526 Fall 2002
Problem Definition In case of a DDOS attack, evaluate the available solutions, see if we can use multiple routers to a better solution. Explore ideas for new solution.
Terms in Intrusion Detection Risk Vulnerability Attack Penetration External Intruder Internal Intruder masquerade as another user clandestine intruders
Misconceptions If I have Firewall, I don’t need IDS If my system is not protected, I can not harm other systems
Typical DDOS Attack Victim Router Victim Site Agent Attacker
Countermeasures to DDOS Reroute the DNS entry to another address ( not great) Filtering
Possible Solutions Become a good Netizen, Protect yourself from becoming an accessory to attack Use more than one router Selective rerouting