2015/6/14\course\cpeg s\Topic-1.ppt1 CPEG 421/621 - Fall 2010 Topics on Advanced Compiler Design
2015/6/14\course\cpeg s\Topic-1.ppt2 Instructor: Prof. Guang R. Gao Office:201-F DuPont Hall Phone: Coordinator: An Xiaomi 121 Evans Hall webpage: Admin. Information
2015/6/14\course\cpeg s\Topic-1.ppt3 Important Dates Dec. 10 (Fri.) : project report due Course work will carry the following weights towards your final grade: Course Participation (class attendance, assignment, presentation, etc): 60% Project: 40%
2015/6/14\course\cpeg s\Topic-1.ppt4 References 1. A set of papers - to be assigned 2. Books: A. Aho, M. S. Lam, R. Sethi and J. Ullman, Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools (The Dragon Book, second edition), Addison Wesley, 2006 Othere references: see course page
2015/6/14\course\cpeg s\Topic-1.ppt5 3. Journals IEEEComputer Transactions on Computers Concurrency Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems ACMTOPLAS - Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems Transaction on Computer Systems JPDCJournal of Parallel and Distributed computing JSCJournal of Supercomputing JPPInternational Journal of Parallel Programming PCParallel Computing (North-Holland) JPLJ. of Programming Languages Other References
2015/6/14\course\cpeg s\Topic-1.ppt6 4. Conference Proceedings PLDIACM Symposium on Programming Language Design and Implementation POPLACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages PPOPPACM Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming ICPPInternational Conference on Parallel Processing ICSInternational Conference on Supercomputing LCPCIntern. WS. on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing PACTParallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (since 1994) IPDPSInternational Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium EUROPAREuropean Parallel Processing Conferences MICRO ACM/IEEE Symposium on Microarchitectures ISCAACM/IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture ASPLOSACM Symposium on Architecture Support for Program Languages and Operating Systems Other Reference
2015/6/14\course\cpeg s\Topic-1.ppt7 Major Topics Part I: Compiler Fundamentals An Overview on Compiler Design Compiler Front-End and IR Middle-End: Analysis and Optimizations Back-End: Code Generation and Optimization Part II: System Software Models For Parallelism - Compiler, Runtime System and OS Parallel Models of Computation Parallel execution models Parallel architecture models Model of concurrent systems System software Model for parallelism Compiler Runtime Part III Case Studies