Instructional Design Client Project 6 th Grade Bobcat Blog
1.Choose a Client: Stephne Bowen, a 6th teacher at Langston Hughes Elementary School in Lawrence, KS. 2. Choose a topic for Instruction: Communication via classroom blog. users: students, parents, co-workers, administration and anyone who is interested.
6 th Grade Bobcat Blog 3. Describe the target audience: Students. Parents. Administrators. Community.
6 th Grade Bobcat Blog 4. General Goals and Performance Objectives: Increasing communication between the classroom and home. Having a link to the textbooks, so students can access more information. Providing school and district information. Easing new students into the class routine. Motivation Goals: Students see the value correct spelling and grammar. Students see the application of computer skills. Students and parents can begin thinking about upcoming projects.
6th Grade Bobcat Blog Information Source for Goals: Client teacher 6th grade students Other teachers Students in educational technology class 2 text sources
6th Grade Bobcat Blog Field Trials: Alpha testing Expert’s Opinion Observations of Target Audience Beta testing 6th Grade Bobcat Blog
Created by: Derick Wallace Ghada Alsaif Diane Coffman Ebtisam Alqahtani Designing Educational Technology Spring 2010 class