“A VOTRE SANTÉ” Le système de santé publique français By Rhieu Mellor
BIBLIOGRAPHIE Employee at the West Bay Family YMCA Employee at the West Bay Family YMCA Kinesiology- Study of human body movement Kinesiology- Study of human body movement
Pourquoi ce sujet ? Educational relevance Comparison to the United States Can both countries learn from each others system?
Je m'excuse des contradictions Political Political Medical Medical Business/Industry Business/Industry Circumstantial Circumstantial
Overview of US Health Care Health Insurance Health Insurance Insurance that compensates the insured for expenses or loss incurred for medical reasons, as through illness or hospitalization
Types of Insurance Employee-based Employee-based Private policies Private policies Publicly financed funds Publicly financed funds
Prominent US Insurance Companies Blue Cross-Blue Shield Blue Cross-Blue Shield United Healthcare United Healthcare Medicare Medicare Medicaid Medicaid
Medical Education Typically an Undergraduate degree for medical personnel Typically an Undergraduate degree for medical personnel For a Medical Degree (MD/DO) : Undergraduate curriculum Medical School/Residency Optional: Additional specialty training
Numéro un World Health Organization (WHO) in 2001 voted the French Health Care system the best in the world World Health Organization (WHO) in 2001 voted the French Health Care system the best in the world
Trente-sept The United States ranked 37 th in the same The United States ranked 37 th in the same equivocal survey equivocal survey
Nos amis français
French Health Care System SOCIALIZED MEDICINE (terme stupide) SOCIALIZED MEDICINE (terme stupide) The French don’t truly consider their system as “socialized medicine” The French don’t truly consider their system as “socialized medicine”
Sécurité Sociale The publicly-funded health insurance system in the country of France The publicly-funded health insurance system in the country of France Compulsory Compulsory Solidarity Solidarity
FREE HEALTH CARE???!!! Not exactly… Paycheck deductions- up to 20% High taxation- Alcohol, tobacco, gasoline, etc. etc.
“We, not me” “The healthy should pay for the sick” The sicker you get, the more care you receive with less pay
Assurance supplémentaire This insurance covers all co-pays and additional medical fees This insurance covers all co-pays and additional medical fees Usually occupationally-based Usually occupationally-based
Hôpitaux Freedom to choose Freedom to choose Public/Private hospitals are closely located Public/Private hospitals are closely located
Éducation médicale 6 year program Grades dictate where one will specialize However, the tuition is outrageous…
JUST KIDDING “If it’s free it’s for me” “If it’s free it’s for me” The French government completely funds all medical students education The French government completely funds all medical students education
French Practice Private-practice Hospitals House-calls Service d'Aide Médicale d'Urgence (SAMU)
Is it abused? Oui!!! Many French citizens go to the Doctor too much while others may never go at all
Mauvais citoyen Many file false incomes so they don’t have to contribute to the national funds
OU EST DE L’ARGENT? The current French Health Care System deficit: The current French Health Care System deficit: 13+ BILLION DOLLARS
French learn from the U.S. They are learning from our very own system Electronic funds Electronic funds Health techniques that reduce expensive testing Health techniques that reduce expensive testing
OVERALL POSITIVES UNIVERSAL coverage for all citizens UNIVERSAL coverage for all citizens Security- regardless of work/health risks Security- regardless of work/health risks
OVERALL NEGATIVES Too much freedom for the doctors? People will overuse/abuse the system
Que pensent-ils ? 65% satisfaction rate was polled 65% satisfaction rate was polled The highest in Europe! The highest in Europe!
DIRECT COMPARISON USA 16% GDP on health care Will decline citizens on insurance policies FRANCE 10.7% GDP on health care Generous to ALL citizens citizens
DIRECT COMPARISON USA Life expectancy: 77.5 Private, public or employee-based insurances $5,771 per capita FRANCE Life expectancy: 79.4 UNIVERSAL health care $3,048 per capita
Révision France has a Universal Health Care System that is publicly financed The insurance fund is Securite Sociale High taxation contributes to the system Could the U.S. do it? That’s up to you
Merci pour l’ecoute la Fin la Fin
Works Cited Davidson, Lynn. French Health Care Expert: France’s System Broken, Should Copy US; Media Yawn. 27 Aug NewsBusters. 10 Mar Davidson, Lynn. French Health Care Expert: France’s System Broken, Should Copy US; Media Yawn. 27 Aug NewsBusters. 10 Mar Laredo, Jo. French healthcare system Parisvoice. 10 Mar Warden, Christian G. “Pros and Cons of US and French Health Care Systems.” Online posting. 20 Mar Mar Warden, Christian G. “Pros and Cons of US and French Health Care Systems.” Online posting. 20 Mar Mar
The French Healthcare System Get Sick Around The World. 10 Mar Dutton, Paul V. France’s model healthcare system. 11 Aug The Boston Globe. 10 Mar The French Health Care System. 27 Jun Medical News Today. 10 Mar
The French Lesson In Health Care. 9 Jul Business Week. 10 Mar Dutton, Paul V. Differential Diagnoses: A Comparative History of Health Care Problems and Solutions in the United States and France. New York: Cornell University Press, Sicko. Dir. Michael Moore. Dog Eat Dog Films, Cavalcante, Gaetane. Online interview. 11 Mar
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