A Seminar on Multiplication Modules By Turki Al-Suriheed
Key Definitions (1) Modules
( 2 ) Submodules
( 3 ) The ideal [ N:M ]
In the following all rings are commutative with identity and all modules are unital modules.
The Abstract
The Idea of Multiplication Modules
So, the concept of multiplication rings was given to generalize the concept of Dedekinds domain.
Is any R-module multiplication module?
Examples ## Any cyclic module is multiplication. ## Any invertible ideal is multiplication ideal. ## Any ideal of Von Neumann Regular ring is multiplication ideal.
The Aim If M is a faithful multiplicatin R-module and N,K are submodules of M then NK is Possible.
Let M be a faithful multiplication module
Let S={ A : A an ideal of R such that M=AM } Define
Theorem If M is a faithful multiplication R-module then, ( 1 ) M=T(M)M. ( 2 ) T(M)=
Question ? Let M be an R-module and A, B ideals of R
Cancellation Law
The Main Result